Debate Should prostitution be legalized?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by What's A Scope?, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Where are you getting this from?
    If you look at other countries, you will see that this not happening, and it dosen't harm marriage, as Nitrous pointed out. A one nigh stand dosen't compare to a true love. You must understand this; people aren't only about sex. They want love, too.
  2. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    So your avoiding a connection? I mean more and more people today aren't staying married... and more and more liberal/ Free practice of sex .../ Prostitution...?

    As well Advertising Sex to sell... and are you sure they are not having issues with it in other countries? I mean assuming that it works there it will work here is also dangerous but besides that...
  3. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    Should it be legalized?

    Short- Yes.

    Long- Well, to be honest, if a woman does not mind being payed tio have sex with random people, who are YOU to say she can't exactly? Of course, it would have to be 'controlled' so to speak, as in, an age linit, contraception a must, NO pimps of any kind, (It should be the womans choice, and her money to) and protection for them so they don't get murdered/raped or any other disgusting things by worthless people.

    People who say 'No' to this, think for a second. Does it harm ANYONE phsically? No. Mentally? No. Cause problems? Not if it is regulated. So who are YOU to say a woman cannot do this if she chooses?

    Of course, i hardly think it should be eduacted or promoted, i just think that looking down on a woman for such a trivial matter is pathetic. Oh, 2 adults, having sex? SHOCK. HORROR. Does it really matter to you?
  4. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Read what Nitrous said. Either prostitution helps marriages or or it dosen't affect it at all. You can't make it illegal because it breaks up marriages. We don't make food illegal because it makes people obese.
  5. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    oh baby that would be magical, but not street girls, clean well kept girls. Like a huge brothal.
  6. fabioisonfire

    fabioisonfire Ancient
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    I really don't think it matters whether it is legal or not- it goes on all the time whether you like it or not.
  7. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Yes it does. The longer prostitution is ilegal, the longer Pimps can abuse the prostitutes without repercussion as prostitutes can't go to cops as they would go to jail as well.
  8. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Every foreigner I've ever known has been surprised that I keep a single girlfriend (that is, when I actually have one, ha). Keep in mind, I work construction in Florida; so, foreigners are not exactly a rarity. A guy lived with my family a few years back. He was from Romania, and he was trying to establish a home so that his wife could move over here. Even so, he pursued females over here. I approached him about it (because I'm one of those do-gooders), and he explained the lack of significance in his culture. There, it is virtually nothing to sleep around on your spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend.

    To actually comment on the original topic: I do not believe it should be legalized. I tried to do something else with my post because any Debate section regular would've already known my reply. <("<)
  9. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    That doesn't actually mean anything.

    The culture in Eastern Europe isn't the same as the USAs. USAs culture would be more in tune with Western Europe.

    And your right, I knew that as soon as you posted what your answer would be.

    On a side note, I don't think we'll ever agree to something, Dented.
  10. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure you just subtracted the logic from debate. That's the equivalent of, "I think you're wrong." Sure, it's a post and you're blurting your opinion out, but it holds absolutely no contributory value whatsoever. If you've missed the idea, it's common to logically explain how the other person is correct or incorrect (in your own eyes).

    For instance: my post a moment ago. I began by establishing my credibility. I explained the background of why I feel the way I do. Then, I produced facts that support the negativity of a culture that maintains a loose view of sexuality. I assumed the reader would understand the congruency in prostitution and general lack of sexual restraint. They are not the same, but are symptoms of the same mindset.

    On a side note, I'll never know if we agree because your posts are a Philly Steak-and-Cheese minus the steak, cheese, mushrooms, fried onions, and peppers.
  11. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I can shoot down every SINGLE thing in your post.

    1. Does it harm anyone? Yes of course. Do you know how easily AIDS can be spread through prostitution? What about don't trust strangers? You are always at risk of being murdered, mugged, or worse when being alone with people you don't know. Mentally, it even devalues women. That's a person, not an object that you should just rent out. The image of women would be destroyed. Again some of that goes to morals, which I'm not going to discuss because they have no power whatsoever.

    2. How can it be regulated? You have not explained HOW. Nobody here for it being legalized has, other that are saying you test people for AIDS and **** which would never work unless you tested them EVERY day, or every other hour depending on their activity.

    3. Who are you to tell them what they can do with their body? That one is the biggest argument right now. I agree, that I have no say in what they want to do to themselves. I actually believe abortion should be legal. However, by paying them money to do this I don't think should be legal. It's like when the people during the industrial revolution were working in terrible conditions and whatnot. Of course they chose to work there because the money was good, (to them) and there was no other better choice. However, a person should never have to MAKE that choice. Did you know that in china right now, we are dumping all of our old computers into their back yards, and they are tearing them apart, without protection, and selling the parts? When asked why, a Chinese man stated "well the money is good". WE are part of the reason why there is so much pollution there, because of the money they get for dealing with our crap. They don't care about the effects, and it is destroying their society. It's the same thing here. You get money, but take the risk, or the damage (diseases like AIDS, mugging) to your body, and probably harm others as well. It's like doing cocain. It's illegal because the government wants to protect you and others from being harmed.

    4. Be promoted? Educated? By making it legal you are basically giving a teenage girl a brochure saying "this could be you when you graduate!". Think about it. More than likely it'd be legal at the age of 18. The year most people are just getting out of school. It's the light at the end of the tunnel to the uneducated person. You wouldn't try hard in school if you knew that you could get a job doing it. Especially considering how impressionable teenagers are by sex in high school. By making it illegal, it makes it less attractive, and people will not do it.

    5. Does it really matter to me? Do I think it's gross? LOL! I'm 15 man. My hormones are going crazy and half of my brain turns off when I see a hot girl. It's not gross at all. But it does matter to me. Prostitution is a trap. A trap that, when you top out at 30 years old, finally becomes visable. Your body doesn't last forever, and a grown adult does not want to be a prostitute. Do not even argue with that. After the fifth time getting into a stranger's car, most people start to hate it, but don't quit because of the money. I don't want any more people falling into that trap than those that already do. I'm a person. I care about others. And I care about the risks that they take every day to earn a quick buck.

    I don't know if all of you guys have too much in your pants or something, but if you approve of legal prostitution you're also approving of doing it yourself. You are saying that you think it is okay to go down the street and pay a girl to have sex with you. It's not like abortion that can have reasons other than self pleasure. You don't realize it but prostitutes are in a bad situation that no one wants to be in for as long as you have to be by becoming one. You can't be a prostitute for 5 years and then decide to get a real job. It isn't going to happen. Please quote me now. Try to shoot down my answers. I have been quoted once and none of my points were ever even attacked other than him saying "you can't make people do stuff" which you can. Textile factory owners made people work in terrible conditions because they had no other choice. It's like saying I give you two really crappy choices and can't say I made you do one because you picked it. He just put out other ideas for me to attack.
  12. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    He used the fact that Eastern Europe isn't the same as the US.
    Also it seams to me that you are generalizing every country that allow legal prostitution. I'll let that one go, but you even say it you self that is their CULTURE. Our culture is much different.
  13. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Okay, here's an outline of your next post. Something I want to see from you.
    Do you want our culture to be like that? Yes or no. Just answer it. Please. Then tell me how our culture would not be like, or be affected by this just as the way they are. Are we a different species or something? Then tell me one fact that guy used to contradict the subject of legalized prostitution. I don't consider that a fact that contradicts it because even if the U.S. isn't "like" them (explain what he means by that) it doesn't mean we will not have the same results. It's just adding another, "well maybe our prostitutes will be cleaner". A man in india who straps a bomb to himself still dies the same way as a man in America who would do it. It doesn't matter where he bought the material from or who he hurts or why he did it.
  14. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    -Something that everyone had already recognized, and something that has no relevance to the posts I made, other than the fact that I, myself, acknowledged the difference.

    Nitrous gave statistics of a single nation (and perhaps one other, forgive me if I'm mis-stating), and it was viewed as generalized support for his cause. I don't know that Romania allows legal prostitution. I based my points on a loose view of sexuality.

    No thanks.

    Right right. Our culture is different because WE DON'T ALLOW PROSTITUTION. Give me a break. Seriously, can you not see the comparison?

    They do allow it; we don't. Here are some things that I feel to be negative about a country that allows it. (insert things) If we change, I think it will make us bad, too.

  15. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Everything you said, is already possible for a woman to do.

    Women can have sex, why must they need pay?
  16. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    As I can shoot down yours.

    1. In Africa, the highest cause of the spread of AIDS is un-protected sex (Source). This obvious because they do not have the "tools" that can help prevent STDs, such as condoms. Here in the US, we do. I understand why you would bring this point up, but it is irrelevant because prostitution only contributes to a small % of the spread of AIDS. You can easily contract AIDs from your girl/boyfriend, or just someone you have sex with. The only difference is you pay for it. If you can imagine, a regulation where prostitutes must be tested regulary. Let's say poostitute A does not have AIDS. If he/she works for her pay with 5 different people whom do not have AIDS, he/she will not get AIDS. It is one person's responsibility to test their own self. If someone knows that they have AIDS, it is not likely theey will have sex. Also, it the customer's choice to have sex with the prostitute.

    About prostitutes being abused, this will be LESS of a factor. If a prostittue gets abused, they can go to the police unlike now, because it is illegal. Thosuands of people are murdered everyday. You can easily be alone with a stranger, often.

    It does not devalue women any more than strippers or porn. What morals? Explain.

    2. Regulations? Testing like you said. Certain zones for it so that it wouldn't be in the streets. Limit of activity. I could go on, but won't. =p

    3. Your first statement hit the nail on the head. Who are we tell them what they do with their body. It is their decision to be a prostitute.

    4. This is irrelevant because their are already legal occupations that can do the same. Modeling, stripping, and acting in adult films.

    5. It is their decision.
  17. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Where's my reply, dood??? I feel so left out. Someone, steal my smart so that people will reply to me!
  18. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    No, I don't, but legalizing that we not drastically alter our culture. A culture is hard to change. The reason why it would not change is because of the views that we already have.

    Okay. Actually Nitrous posted a statistic which is fact. Romania has a loose view of sexuality because that is there culture. That is not affected by the legalization of prostitution. Here is an example of what I mean. We have alcohol legal. Our culture isn't that we get drunk all the time. Very few people do this. It is the same with prostitution is legal, very few people will rather have sex with an unknown person than find true love. What I mean is if you find true love, you it is less likely for you to use prostitution. I don't see how our views on sex would change.
  19. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Errr, and because that's their culture, that doesn't make it fact as well? The statistic Nitrous posted is a result of their culture as well; so, either way, we're both right or we're both wrong. Nice try, though.

  20. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Explain why I am wrong.

    You said our views won't change. Therefore, it can't get worse or better.

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