I got a beta version of my map its pretty good still needs a little cleaning up and a little more interlocking and merging and some straighter walls. Should i release it or not or should i wait till the full and completed version cause i really need suggestions to make it better.
You should test it if you need the feedback, and if you are done with everything but tweaking. You don't have to have alot of big testing parties, just get a few of your friends to play some rounds of slayer, ctf, or whatever. Basically it comes down to what you think. If its close enough, and you believe it will play right, then test it.
Simply go to this forum and view this thread. The thread will tell you how to get your map tested. Post a new thread there using the rules of the thread.
Ok beta version will be released tonight after some work to make gametype better plus extended vault and smoother and clean elevator and map so give me about 2 hours to get it posted up with the new pics.