Should Forgehub make a midship remake? (the guilders) I think forgehub is more than capable of making the best midship remake.
Personally I do not feel that the Guilders should Waste there time on remaking a map. All that they would bring to the table is old ideas. I love fresh, new ideas. And thats why they are Guilders is because of those ideas, so no they should not make a miship remake.
Mid ship has been done several times before. It's not innovative, and I doubt that a team of people could make a better one than the ones already out there.
The guilders would be wasting their time making maps that have already been made. They focus on new ideas. Sure, if they wanted to, they could probably make a great one. But there are already ones out there that are really close in detail etc... There is abosultely no reason for them to waste time to make another.
They would do a good job, but honestly, its not worth it. It just has to be the original for it to "feel" right.
I disagree no one has used the latest forge tech i.e Unlimited budget. The guilders will pioneer this tech with forge and make it amazing.
You are missing the big point. It would be time wasted that could very well be used to make new maps.
/facepalm I'm seriously. If you want to play remakes why don't you just go to... Halo 2. Then, you don't waste our time, AND you get to play old stuff while be continue to be innovative.
I think were missing the big picture... although yes blah blah blah ppl made remakes for midship.. and who cares if they can make one.. the main thing is... that Mid ship sucked balls... most people didn't like it, if im thinking of the right map lol... but still.. if u wanna play a old map go and play halo 2
I want to play a halo 2 map in Halo 3 gameplay. I had much more fun in H3 foundation than I had in any other competitive map.
ok... I think in the end... if you want to see Midship... your going to make it....... i don't see any other way but that... thats kinda the point of forage hub... you make what you want..and share it... not... wait for someone to tell you to make something...or not... SO if you want a midship map ... bloody make the map... but this debate isn't really getting any where...but to spam people thoughts on a thing that isn't even started... so I have to admit yes it sounds like a good idea...but with out work...its just a thought... and you have to come up with the moving platform before any thing else can be done...
Generally, I am not a huge fan of remakes period, while they are cool to run around, and maybe play a round or two on, they just aren't original. If I want to play those levels, I will load up halo 1, or halo 2, and play those levels. Now, that said, what I love is when someone takes two old levels, and combines them into one new better map. Always is cool when that happens.