Debate Should Children Be Playing Halo 3?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tex, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Shooting purple aliens in a sci-fi adventure is something that you would see in a tonne of childrens films anyway...

    In all violent game-related incedents the suspects should have belonged in a mental ward long before they committed whatever crime they did. If you should blame anything, blame bad parenting, for not bieng able to see these kind of problems in advance.
  2. dckilla96

    dckilla96 Ancient
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    The rating is a recomondation, and if the parents are responsible then they will know if there child is ready for a mature game. Obviously the annoying whiny kids are not loved, jk, their parants just probaly are to busy or dazed/drunk/stoned. I think that most parents have it under control but some slip a little.
  3. phantomfrost08

    phantomfrost08 Ancient
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    i often get stuck on the receiving end of some terrible crap because of my high voice, it can be really frustrating for someone whos not prepared 4 it , so kids should b carful
  4. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Careful of what?
  5. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    getting cussed out by some drunk guy who's already failed in life at age 19.

    I wouldn't say they should be careful so much as their parents should use discretion and mute the people. They don't really say anything important anyways.
  6. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Some parents probably buy their kids an 360 and Halo just to shut them up for the day. It's usually those kids who are always yelling and screaming. And other parents may not understand the whole Live scene or about parental controls or anything
  7. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    I'm 13 so I can't be talking, but 8 YEAR OLDS?
    Jesus Christ!
    I don't care for the fact of the rating, but the fact that they get so annoying!
  8. shotgunz

    shotgunz Ancient
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    I think kids that are 11+ are able to play, but it's the fact that if they're mature enough to be able the game is what I really think matters. Hey I'm 12, I'm quiet, and then I see other people that are 14-17 of age and are a lot more immature than me.
  9. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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  10. Deathlycobra

    Deathlycobra Ancient
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    the real issue is not the rating, its Xbox LIVE. Its not rated so it could be ANYTHING... From sexual themes to extreme language and kids are hearing it, think its cool, say it to all there friends, and then thats how you get 8-10 year olds say "F*** S*** A** PISS"
    1 person likes this.
  11. Assassins Bullet

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    kids should be allowed to play halo 3 as long as thier parents realize what kind of game thier kids are playing
  12. Furry

    Furry Guest

    M stands for mature.
    The ESRB rating also says 17+

    I'm 14

    Main Entry: 1ma·ture [​IMG] [​IMG] Pronunciation: \mə-ˈtu̇r, -ˈtyu̇r also -ˈchu̇r\ Function: adjective Inflected Form(s): ma·tur·er; ma·tur·est Etymology: Middle English, from Latin maturus ripe; akin to Latin mane in the morning, manus good Date: 15th century 1: based on slow careful consideration <a mature judgment>

    2 a (1): having completed natural growth and development : ripe (2): having undergone maturation b: having attained a final or desired state <mature wine>
    c: having achieved a low but stable growth rate <paper is a mature industry>
    d: of, relating to, or being an older adult : elderly <airline discounts for mature travelers>

    3 a: of or relating to a condition of full development
    b: characteristic of or suitable to a mature individual <mature outlook> <a show with mature content>

    4: due for payment <a mature loan>5: belonging to the middle portion of a cycle of erosion
    — ma·ture·ly adverb
    (TAKEN FROM mature - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)

    I believe that if you're mature you should be able to play Halo 3. Its pretty stupid when people of age or above age tea bags because it just prooves that they are immature. Thats not just the end tohugh, because aren't videogames a bit immature in the first place? You play as other people and imagine yourself fighting actual people.

    The ESRB rating is pretty hypocritical if you ask me, but just because some kids haven't hit puberty and don't talk with a deeper voice doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to play. Bungie at least gave you a mute button. If you say you don't want them to paly because they suck, isn't that a bit retarded, some old people aren't good at Halo as well. Not just the senior citizens either.
  13. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    I am The Creator of the Debate Religous Problem with Video Games.
    and i truely beileive thayt it is truely about how they act, if the parent has a kid who screams and is not responsible, they shouldnt let them play, but if there making As in school and the parent knows there responsible, the kid should have the PRIVILEGE of getting to play more mature games,
    im against booting for dumb reasons, but to tell the truth, im only 10, but unlike most of my 10 year old freinds, i actually have intellegence greater than a tennis ball and have a living brain
  14. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    It's a video game people! Like it or not, 'children' will pick up this game and play it to the bone. And like it or not, video games have an influence on a child's social growth and the way he/she will interact with the real world. Being the most played multiplayer video game, Halo 3 attracts all sorts of players, mostly the younger age groups.

    Halo 3 itself is fine for mostly everyone, but still being a game that requires to be bought by people of the age 17 or older. The real problem comes from the online community. Older players have a large impact on how kids will converse with each other over the world wide web, and they aren't setting a good example right now, nor will they ever, because everyone wants to act cool and badass online.

    Kids take the behaviors of peers as the accepted route, so act better online, and there will be little, if not any problems, conflicts, or complaints.
    #94 Chipsinabox, Aug 12, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
  15. Furry

    Furry Guest

    Wow, you deserve a cookie. No seriously, you do. Well said, especially or a 10 year old. I also think it should only be a priviledge if the child does good or something. Sort of like a doggy treat to be honest.

    I also agree with Chipsinabox...

    Positive rep for all!

  16. Wingsofhalo

    Wingsofhalo Ancient
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    That is up to parents to decide, if they think the kid can understand that halo isn't real, then they should be able to play.
  17. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I'm sure you would all hate it when your a kid, you want to play one of the best games online but you cant because your not old enough. I'm not saying I love hear them and their parents should be aware that they shouldn't blame the game that is made for 17+ for their kids trash talk.
  18. Alecmon

    Alecmon Ancient
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    One word: NO.
  19. Lcarnacieg

    Lcarnacieg Ancient
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    I think that if parents cared so much about their children playing Mature games, they should set the Parental Control settings or something. I personally do not think video games cause violence because I play a lot of games and I'm not a violent person. Anyway, there would be a lot more violent, messed-up people in the world then.
  20. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Please Alecmon, this is the Debate section, which you must explain you opinion, and base it on fact, not a spam fest of no's and yes's.

    My opinion stay's true. As long as the young people are mature enough to deal with the content in the game, and not over-react, then they should have a privilage to play it if they want to play it.

    Here is what I have stated before:


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