Debate Should Children Be Playing Halo 3?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tex, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
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    Depends how mentally mature the child is, maybe if the 'child' relised that its a game, and is not acceptable in real life, then it would be understandable.
  2. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
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    Well,i have to say that children should be allowed to play halo or any mature game because they have a right to.I understand that SOME children may scream at the top of there lungs but dont forget that people 17 and older do that too.And as for "veto or imma ****ing kill you" 3x as many adults say that too.Kids dont say that as much,but they still do it.Even look at this video.

    I think the video explains it.But kids can get that too,but parents can straighten them out.Unlike adults parents can straighten out kids,take them to therapy + how are kids supposed to get there hands on guns.Adults are allowed to resister guns and theres no one stopping them from doing what there doing.
  3. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
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    I don't mean to be a pain, although those full stops are wrong.

    Eg: "I was walking down the street. I seen a dog."
    Not "I was walking down the street.I seen a dog."
  4. Lord Duckington

    Lord Duckington Ancient
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    well.. my little bro is one of those 2%
    i am 15 and i play halo 3 online all the time. and i do NOT think that little kids should be able to play halo 3.. UNLESS they are MATURE enough to handle it!!! i mean, there are like a billion little kids that scream VETO VETO VETO VETO **** **** **** YOU SUCK ASS **** AHHHHHHH as soon as you get into the game.

    but then there are that small 2% that know how to conduct themselves, like my little bro.

    i handed him the controller one day, he preceded to go and play SWAT, and he loved every second of it. no cussing, no screaming, no throwing the controller, he just accepted when he died and moved on. he behaved more maturley than some 17 year olds i know!! so.. i dont think kids should play halo 3, unless they can behave maturley
  5. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
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    Completely correct, probs less than 2% of 8 year olds can handle halo, when I die, even I go crazy! LOL Rep you up +
  6. helzmessenger

    helzmessenger Ancient
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    im not saying that kids, im saying kids as any guy whose balls havent drooped yet (sorry for all you late bloomers... also for being so crude), shouldnt play halo3. but i think that they shouldnt be so loud and shouldnt swear so much. if im playing with a 10 year old that can be mistaken for a little girl and he screams f#ck or s#it every 10 seconds, i get a headache and have to turn down my mic. i guess what im really saying is that i believe that only mentally mature kids should get to play halo3
  7. opothehippo

    opothehippo Ancient
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    They dont become that violent, but they change in the sense of how much they know and talk about stuff like guns and war.

    Simple California kids shouldnt be debating what snipers are best in their free time, or what kind of grenades they like.
  8. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    I think that if children under 17 want to play M games and try and pretend to be all 'cool' because of it (I could really do without all of those whiny children asking for the tank and then betraying) they should make the money and buy it themselves to atleast show a little maturity and prove they are worthy of the game. Parents aren't really the best way to determine what a kid needs or should have.
  9. Sp3c0p5grunt

    Sp3c0p5grunt Ancient
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    Hey Im 13 And I Dont Whine When I Lose And Actually I Could Easily Kick Your Ass In Halo 3
  10. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i dont have a problem with kids playing, as long as their parents give them permission.
    what i do have a problem with is young kids(12 or 13 and under) swearing intensely and being extremely obnoxious in matchmaking. i mean, where are these kids' parents?
    im not that much older(almost 16) but i am never swearing at people for no reason on my xbox. and at 12, i never would have dreamed about doing that.
  11. Alexalted

    Alexalted Ancient
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    I must admit that I have to agree that I do generally find younger players quite obnoxious (especially when they view playing a Mature rated game as having bragging rights), but, opinions and stereotypes aside, they do just as much as us (with parental consent) have the right to play Halo 3 and we could be a little less harsh on them. I myself give an involuntary sigh whenever I end up with younger players in matchmaking without even waiting to find out whether they are: A. Mature, and B. Skilled
  12. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Does it make a diffrence... I see Teens playing who act like idiots on Halo3 as well... Although it tends to be kids who really annoy me..
  13. firewolf34

    firewolf34 Ancient
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    you know i was playing a james bond game that was Teen and they gave you an award for grabbing a siper rifle right? well, this kid i was playing with walked into a room, and btw this is actually and objective in the game, your supposed to go in there. And he walks in and theres a naked woman showering right? well he scopes in on her. Christ. When you go in the room it actually zooms for you. I mean wtf this is teen, not mature. The rating system is corrupt, they freakin make halo mature....

    MAPIZRAP Ancient
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    my little brother is 10 years old and he has 3 accounts with a skill of at least 44, all having katana armor, if they play better than 17 year olds i say let them play.

    MAPIZRAP Ancient
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    i also kinda agree about the older peeps talkin trash to them though but its only cause they get mad cause they get their @ss handed to them by a 10 year old so yeah...
  16. macka654

    macka654 Ancient
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    i think, if they are mature. And know what is real and is not real. They should be aloud. and no double post plz. Learn to edit your post.
  17. The God of Grunge


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    Blood and Gore, Check. Sex? Check. Alcohol Abuse? Check. Drug Abuse? Check. Combine all these to make an epic game. Anyway, Yes, children should be playing halo 3. My opinion is that the earlier you show kids how ****ed up the world is, the better off they are.
  18. xbrokenxangelx

    xbrokenxangelx Ancient
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    i do not think that kids should play a game such as halo 3. while they are not only annoying to other players, it does make a person more aggressive to other people.
  19. macka654

    macka654 Ancient
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    nowdays you have to be agressive.
  20. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    This is one of those debates that don't ask the correct question. It's not that children and young teens (such as me, I'm 15) are questionable, but only certain people who have little, if any, Maturity. Yes, the younger one is, the more likely he or she is immature. But don't stereotype, there are some young people who should be considered young adults. They can easily cope with such intense action.

    Unfortunately, parents aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to electronics. They usually do not understand that they can block what content these young people can see or hear. They don't know what Halo 3 online can contain. They simply aren't educated enough. I feel as though the parent or guardian must decide whether or not their young person is mature enough to handle such content. However, I feel also that Halo 3 isn't rated well. It has little blood and only a few bad words. However, the Violence is what makes it Mature. If I were to rate Halo 3, it would be teen, because of the fact I can handle such content, offline.

    However, I want to suggest something. I want the Rating Commission to give a seperate rating, just for online games. It would give a sense of what happens in online games to Parents and Guardians.

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