Debate Should Children Be Playing Halo 3?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tex, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    Well im 13 and i play Halo 3 a lot ...
    And almost all my friends do too ...
    And if my dad used the parental settings i'll have to play all those kiddy games ..
    But this kid i know is 7 and plays gears of war 0.o ..
  2. N1NJ4

    N1NJ4 Ancient
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    Parental settings only have to be used if the childs parent doesn't believe that the kid is ready for specific games. i understand that certain kids are mature enough to handle most games but for the ones who can't the parental controls should be employed
  3. alienman911

    alienman911 Ancient
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    there was some study some where that said violent video games don't cause violent behavior in the real world. But I think there shouldn't be 6 year olds playing halo, because they are annoying
  4. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    Oh ok i get you =]
    I'm not very mature but i wont get a sniper and try and no scope my friends =]
    Even though that would be fun =]
  5. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I think that halo 3 online is definitely M sometimes, but in my experience on Halo 2, there was a lot more things said that you wouldn't call Mom-approved or PG. In Halo 3 everyone wants to be a general so they don't care as much.
  6. shaneo

    shaneo Ancient
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    i dont mind little kids who will be like, hey whats up, and during the game have about 2, "dang-it!". But the ones in the pregame lob. start screaming, and when you say something they mimic you with their high voices, trying to impress there friends at theyre house. thats what really gets me mad.
  7. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    i can tell you what is wrong with the rating system it isn't rated by gamers they basically pay regular people off the street to rate the games based on an unfinished product and a couple of cutscenes and while i agree that it should be rated t the fact is that the people who rated halo3 have probably had experience with halo ce and halo2 were in my opinion were more violent and bloody then halo3. also it probably will never go down to t because as we've seen with other games like oblivion which started out as t became m mainly do its vampire lairs it is much easier get a games rating to up then it is to make it go down.

    now to get back to real issue i don't mind kids playing halo3 if they are mature enough to handle it there is a reason i don't play with friend chris and that is because he screams into the mike constantly (and he's sixteen) but really nothing short of a government intervention will do anything so i am content with muting "squeakers"
    #47 thelastsparten, Jul 31, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2008
  8. Unbakedmocha

    Unbakedmocha Ancient
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    My personal perspective

    I personally think that this issue matters more on MATURITY rather than age and that could mean anywhere from around 10 to around 20. Some people take games too seriously and don't think of it quite as much of entertainment and don’t fully understand the differences between real life and made up things. I think this because as some of you have already said, sometimes people who are age appropriate act more immature than people below the age suggestion. I say suggestion because if you look on the " rating symbols suggest age appropriateness for the game…” ESRB also used the word MATURE in the foreground. I agree with their rating of M because some of this content won't be perceived the same to an 8 year old as a 20 year old. If you still don't know what I mean, think about this. When you were 8 and you ran into a sexual innuendo, you would probably laugh because the people around you were, and you want to feel normal, while when you are 20, you fully understand a sexual innuendo and laugh because in your (hopefully) more mature mind, you perceive this as funny. I personally am 13 and I am mature enough to understand the concepts in halo 3. These are my perspectives on this issue, and if you disagree, feel free to say so.
  9. mox rocker

    mox rocker Ancient
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    well i think the fire year olds who just yell at everyone (and try to cuss people out) shouldnt be playing this game cause they may get the wrong idea with violence and the people playing may teach them bad inappropriate stuff so im gunna

    Senior Member

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    I think if children are at least somewhat mature they should be allowed to play this game. But the idiotic nine year olds that scream and such shouldn't, as they don't even pretend to be mature.
  11. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Obviously you shouldn't be trying to no-scope your friends outside of halo...

    ...scoping takes much more skill.

    Anyway, I think that any game with XBL voice or text chat could merit an M rating. As ridiculous as it would be to have an M rated Viva Pinata or something, there's no reason why online gamers in supposedly "tamer" games can't curse/scream/threaten/discriminate like they do in more violent games, like halo and gears.

    There's a reason why there is often a "gameplay changes with online experience" warning message, and this is because single player is (obviously) controlled while XBL is a whole different animal. Seargeant Johnson will NEVER call you a "****ing retard" or threaten to "rape your entire family", but xXsKiLlZXx has free reign to say whatever the hell he wants until you mute him.

    The ESRB ratings work well for gamers without XBL and/or parents who restrict their children's XBL usage through parental controls. But once a kid gets online, no matter which game he/she is playing and what it is rated, there is NO CONTROL over what is said/directed at the kid.

    That's why the ratings are flawed.
  12. Zendarrun

    Zendarrun Ancient
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    aw man, im late to this thread...
    better set up camp. :(

    I remember back when i was 10.
    That's when I first played Halo: combat evolved.
    The flood scared me, The cursing bothered me, and custom games almost never happend (there was no live back then).

    i was 13 when I got Halo2. the flood no longer scared me, the cursing never bothered me, and at the age of 14, i subscribed to live and began to see (and hear) a virtual world of morons, kids younger than me, and occasionaly somebody cool.

    Now, I'm 17.
    The flood is something i laugh at, the cursing is now part of my vocabulary, and I still play on live. I came a long way, and im respectable for doing so.

    The kids should gradually come into the Live community so that they learn how not to be a loser. They should start withbeing in a smaller community that matches up age groups. and eventualy they could come into an unrestricted one.
    #52 Zendarrun, Aug 5, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2008
  13. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    This is a really good debate. I have to younger brothers who both play or watch Halo 3. The older one is 10 and although he says the game doesn't make a difference for him, I have noticed some changes. These are:
    - More offensive language
    - Moans more
    - More forgetful (or just can't be bothered to remember other things)

    I've noticed as that more and more violent games are released, the younger the players are. In my 10 year old brothers year, a lot of the kids are arrogant and more violent than we ever were at his age. (This is only around 4-5 years ago when there wern't as many video games). He moans at people constanly and moans when he has to come off of the game. As for his memory, video games are the only thing he wants to think about and so forgets other things.

    My youger brother is only 4 but as he has watched my 10 year old brother play Halo 3 in the day, he comments on killing and shooting a lot. This could have a negative effect on his school life as he would try to hurt other kids. Luckily this doesn't happen as we have told him it is wrong over and over again.

    Methods to stop this are that I only ever play violent/killing games from 7:00 or 8:00 onwards when my baby brother is asleep as I don't like him seeing these things. My older brother still plays on these games but my dad still doesn't want him too.

    In conclusion, I'm pretty much certain that video games affect the way that younger kids behave and games like this should be taken away from them. It is up to the parents really though. Children really shouldn't be playing Halo 3.

    P.S: Sigs off people - this is in the debate forum
  14. Deathlycobra

    Deathlycobra Ancient
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    But will parents alot attention to the xbox or let there kids have it and ignore them unless they have another need?

    #54 Deathlycobra, Aug 5, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2008
  15. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    i sometimes get eally mad at halo.i curse and go crazy. but once i'm done with the game, its back to normal. i have an asshole brother, and in my, eyes, halo 3 just gets my anger out so i don't go kill anyone. i wouldn't anyway. but you get the point
  16. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    To be completely honest..I don't want children under 12 playing halo. They shouldn't be allowed to interact on a singular level with people of ages 30+. They maturity level deems the experience not so pleasurable for the mature people. Now I don't believe halo should be rated 17+ and I don't think it's fair to generalize all younger players. So what can you do? Parents buy kids **** to shut them up.
  17. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    Now thats an idea! My 10 year old brother just doesn't get the subject of maturity...
    I however, already go to a tennis club where I talk to people of all ages already, so I think I can handle people online...

    However the language used by some people online is very offensive but we really can't stop it - we can give them bad rep but what is that going to do?
  18. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I played halo I think when I was 11 ( four years ago) I loved the game to death, only problem was I didnt have it my cousin's brother did. He was 12 and his brother was 19 lol. But when I played it I got dramatic afterwards and acted like I was masterchief lol.

    But ya I think Its ok to play Halo 3 at that age as long as you are under control
    BTW When Im online most of the partys I join for custom games are kids >_<
  19. ellemennt75

    ellemennt75 Ancient
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    I'm starting to see a patern in this thread. I've read all the pages, and I've seen some yes's and some no's, so I'll take all these things into account.

    I'm 13. I play halo 3 online. I seldomly cuss, and i think damn and ass are the worst things I've said.

    Now, if I know that everyone is mature in the party or lobby/team, I'll kind of loosen up a bit, and maybe joke around with people, but if I hear a "whiner/VETO,VETO,VETO!!!!!"er, I'll do one of two things.

    1. I'll wait to see if they keep screaming and junk like that and I'll mute them.

    2. I'll kind of tone my teenage old humor down, and I won't joke as much.

    Nobody can control what people play or do in life. It is purely impossible, and impractical. You can't walk up to someone and say,"You can't let your kids play Halo 3/Call of Duty4/Rainbow Six Vegas," or ,"Your son/daughter isn't ready to play M rated games."

    The only thing we can do in this sort of situation is mute the "immature child" and be done with it.

    I get straight A's in school, have been playing piano for 8 years, and enjoy some non-competetive sports, and I also play Halo 3. I think Halo is of a relaxer/boredom depressor. If I'm not with friends, I'll fire up the 360 and do some matchmaking.

    I know I would never try to noscope my friends, so I guess that says I'm mature. I know it's impossible for an alien race to start a war on humanity, so I take the game lightly.

    Everyone has their point of view on this subject, and I have to respect that. I can't tell anyone they are wrong, (see above) so on to the last segment.... stay with me for just a bit longer....

    My point in this long wall of text is:

    "If you are not mature enough to handle MM, you shouldn't be playing it. Maybe try plugging a mic in and taking it off your head. We have no control over who we are matched up with in MM, so I guess we will have to make due...."


    P.S. You can reply to this if you want, even if you think I'm wrong.
  20. KB

    KB Ancient
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    In most cases, the parents could careless about the ratings and just buy the game to make the child happy or to keep him/her entertained.
    I know squeakers are obnoxious but as far as I know, they aren't going to put up a law or anything to prevent this because it would hurt there profit.
    I see more little kids playing Halo then I see mature people.
    Most people I run into in Halo are usually below the age of thirteen and that is REALLY obnoxious.

    EDIT: Really sorry for the sig, It totally escaped my mind.

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