Debate Should Children Be Playing Halo 3?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tex, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    oh, and, Yeah, Idc aslong as ther not whiney, i myself am underage, 13 lmfao but i act oretty mature i guess you could say

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    He's saying that he would let any child over 5 play a game where the objective is to kill the other team. Yet sex is a no-no?

    Neither of you make sense.
  3. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Stickman and I make plenty of sense, maybe you misunderstand.

    Stickman - people over 5 = can play shooters, but no sex (basic right?)

    Me, amoeba - Young people shouldn't be exposed to pornography

    Not really hard to follow..

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    I can follow it, but it's some retarded logic.

    Parenting tip: Violence is worse than sex.
  5. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    Less enjoyable too.

    I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.
  6. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    I think playing a game as Halo 3 is for more mature acting people, not age.
  7. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Most kids that are under 13 shouldn't play halo for a few reasons. I say most because for some little kids these reasons do not apply to them. If so, they could play without any problems. Note that none of the reasons are their fault. If they're online, it's whoever is paying for that internet's fault.

    Reason A
    Most kids that enter a room with a voice higher pitched than those who have already gone through their stages almost automatically get trash talked on as soon as they speak. This is very hurtful towards the kids whose social lives are just being started.

    Reason B
    Many people in the online Halo community have sudden urges to personally trash talk towards other players constantly (i.e I'm gonna come to your house and beat the crap out of you) - obviously more vulgar, but you get my point. This teaches kids it's fine to disrespect others without receiving some kind of consequence. No matter what the circumstances are. I'm sure you might think it sounds stupid but that is really what happens in some cases. There's a kid named Austin that's not too far away from me with just that problem.

    Reason C
    Most kids learn the most rude/unnecessary things on Halo. Almost everyone on Halo teabags. Although this is generally seen as humorous, think about what it could be teaching the kids? That's a very small example however. Almost every curse word is used on a daily basis from tons of people that play halo and when's the last time you've heard "good game" after a matchmaking game? (From either team) If recently then good for you. Most halo players however have to deal with the "**** you bk you got lucky" and so on. Now we have little 9 year old coming up to me in a game calling me every bad word you could think of. He should still be learning how to multiply single numbers and he's saying curse words he wouldn't have been taught until his late teen years.

    Reason D
    Most (Not All) kids under 13 and some even older are still too immature to understand when to shutup. Kids are basically invincible online so they just say whatever the hell they would say to the bully at their school if they could bench 600 lbs. That's not the only immature thing they do, but it's one of the many commonly known annoyances. Again, this isn't their fault. They're little kids. They're supposed to be immature. That's what school is for. Not Halo.

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