I'm not saying that if I had a choice between killing an animal and killing a human I'd kill the human, I wouldn't. I'm saying that a few jobs isn't worth the mass extinction of a species.
Wait, since when have republicans given us jobs? I'm confused...wasn't it a republican that got us into this mess? Oh yeah, it was...
It wasn't specifically Republicans, I mean there were the people who bought houses they couldn't afford, there are the wars, Bush (and his followers), but feel free to blame them if you want.
The only thing I can be certain of is that banks gave out loans to people based on data that wasn't analyzed properly, causing the housing bust. The rest is just a mess to sort out the facts. Oh and the wars too. I'm not arguing whether we should be there or not, just that they are expensive.
America should sell B2s and F22s to make some money quick. Those two warplanes are too far ahead of their time.
No, it's actually the entire basis of our economy. Spend, inflate, spend, inflate...I think you get the idea. Plus, I don't really care who will be giving people jobs, whether it's democrats or republicans, whichever one has more common sense. So, don't turn this into politics like only a partisan twat could. @Glasgow, do you think America has actually ever outright sold those warplanes? No one could really afford them, so we trade for the land to make bases. Or we give them to a country on the basis we get rights to a resource. Either way, handing over advanced technology is mainly a tool for imperialism.
I appologize for that, I really don't mean to sound like I think that all republicans are terrible, as that would be remarkably ignorant. No indeed there are good and bad people on both sides of the spectrum. I guess I'm mad at one republican in particular, for being if not the source, than at least the catalyst for a lot of this mess.
The only people buying the F22 is the US Government, which is unfortunate since 60 planes costs $15 Billion.
First off, I'm not attacking any other country. I have a deep respect for other nations, and I certainly do not trust my government. However, I don't think my country hasn't done anything that any other super power has done before them. I'm looking at you England. No one Imperialistic nation has controlled and influenced as much land worldwide as the English Empire in it's prime. One can also argue that the instability in countries like Egypt, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, China, etc., can be linked to the western oppression of (at the time) their English overlords.
This is a possibility considering how much of a boost our economy needs right now and there's nothing like a boost that comes from starting a war.
Dude, we cant just say "Alright, we're World Power now!" It just doesn't work like that. The status of World Power has to develop over time.
Actually, there is no such thing as a boost from starting a war. None that would affect you or me. The average American consumer has the most to lose from war since they are the ones that take the biggest sacrifice, mainly the supply and loss of manpower. In fact, the only beneficial war was WWII and that is simply because we ramped up production. We are the products lingering on the legacy of WWII and it's gains. The discovery and subsequent pillaging of Oil in the middle east and the financial and military support we provide for dictators or regimes. The only way I see for America to remain a dominant force in the World is by a technological miracle that will enable us to radically change the way we produce and commute. The internet is certainly a valuable resource that has shaped the way we operate and think in today's society, but it is time for U.S. to evolve. Like bacteria in a petri dish we are reaching our limits of resources. That is of course if science fiction esque miracles were to occur, such as the sudden advance in fusion technology.