Story: None needed... Game Types: Shotguns, Swords, Fiesta, Infection Link: UFG Shotguns Additional Info: Have Fun! 2 vs 2 for most fun You may get lost...
Honestly Im sure this is fun and it looks like it was forged pretty well but this type of thing has been done SO many times before you. You look like you have potential to be a really good forger but you should try and think of something really original. wow us with something that hasn't been done before. Let us see what you got. Hope to see more from you!
Im sorry but this has been done far to many times before, The forging is mediocre at best and as for gameplay it looks as though it would only really be good for infection. Maby if you neaten up the forging it may get a better rating but for the moment i cant see this map becoming popular. Originality-1/5 Gameplay-2/5 Aesthetics-1/5 creativity-2/5 overall-2/5 P.s Try to interlock in your next version it will help the map flow better and make it look nicer. If you dont know how to interlock Add me on XBL and il show you how My gamer tag is IndigoBeef
you need to interlock for one, and yea, not a very unique idea. Also the maze really doesnt look like a maze, theres a definate path from one side to the other, with just some walls sticking out in spots
im sorry but like all the others ive seen this wayy too much before and the quality of the forging is rather bad, completly agree 1. interlock 2.geomerge 3.look at pheasant hunt, its the featured good version that started all of this.
Okay really guys? You keep pestering him about interlock this and geomerge that. It doesn't need interlocking or geomerging. What it needs is originality and cleanliness. It looks very sloppy and the idea, WAY too overdone. Sorry but I highly doubt that this will get many downloads, or any for that matter. You need to put something in the maze that makes it stand out, because this REALLY needs it. For me this is going to be a 1.5/5 sorry.