LOOK AT THE ... Shortest ^^^^LINK^^^^^ After loving longest for so...long...i decided to take that map one step further and well shorten it. this new version a completely different version has nothing to do with longest except that it somewhat resembles it in a sense. Weapons on map Energy Sword Shotgun Sniper Fire Bombs Spikers Spike Grenades Plasma Rifles SMG's and Bubble Shields A few hints There are more than 1 way to get upstairs Use the bubble shield as often a possible He who owns the sword...PWNS you...so stop him Fire bomb grenades are not just for pretty effects! it is really intense especially with 4v4 no starting grenades and start with pistols.
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too! what you need is a DL link to the B.net forms
You need to make it stand out. try bolding it and telling them to DL it here. I'm just trying to help you and I'm sorry that I have done this to you. Edit: I DL this And I liked it a lot 4/5
Thank you much appreciated if u like it add me to your friends i have another im gonna post when i get some more photos called High or Low its very close combat
Don't act like Iron is mocking your post, hes trying to help you. Truth be told the map does not meet the standards. FH has different rules for posting your map than Bungie does. You got some adjusting to do...
You don't have to but I would adive more than one Screenshot, especially one not telling like that one