Mini-Game Short Circuit

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Wakko45, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Buzzed on Short Circuit By Wakko45

    Required Players: 4-16 (Need teams of two)


    Hey everyone, this is a mini-game map I made and have been testing for the past couple of weeks now.

    First off, everyone must divide themselves into teams of two before the game starts. One partner starts on the lower portion of the map and has immediate access to a ghost to go drive towards the hills and gain points. If another ghost is in the same hill neither will score so be sure to try and bump them out! Be careful however...above lurks the group of the second partners equipped with dangerous Plasma Pistols. The partner on top must hit the enemy ghosts down below with fully charged plasma bolt which will EMP the ghosts and stop them from hovering, dropping them into a killzone and destroying them.

    A wide teleporter provides a barrier between the top and bottom tiers so if the top tier players try to jump down they will be teleported back to the top. As said before, a killzone cover the bottom of the map so if anyone tries to leave their ghost, gets flipped, gets EMP'd or runs out of their spawn without a ghost they will die an unforgiving death. A softkill zone covers the ghost spawns to encourage the partner on bottom to hurry up and get scoring! Players on top are unable to hurt other players on top so don't bother, focus on those damn enemy ghosts down below!

    Results from the devastating shot from above

    Players battle for the hills while avoiding enemy fire from above

    Top partners area. Shoot through the holes.

    The players rain death from above

    One player makes a risky maneuver across the vulnerable dominion shield bridge. (Occasionally a hill also)​

    To Download:
    Map Variant: Short Circuit (Fileshare)
    Gametype Variant: Buzzed (Fileshare)


    (File Browser > Map Variants > File Share Search >Wakko45>Short Circuit)
    (File Browser > Gametype Variants > File Share Search >Wakko45>Buzzed)
    #1 Wakko45, Mar 3, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2013
  2. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I was in the lobby, but was never able to ever test this. I'll give it a try and I'm definitely going to play it in my custom game lobbies ;)

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