So have you at all heard of the new game Shootmania: Storm? If you don't know what it is, don't ask me, I am only watching a tournament of it on stream. It is a new "feel" to first person shooters using godly amounts of airtime, huge leaps. And an interesting feel to competitive gameplay. Video (not mine + language) below. Let's Look At - Shootmania: Storm [PC] - YouTube This is a game that I feel has the potential... TO BE DUPLICATED MILLIONS OF TIMES IN HALO 4! This is just a normal slayer game mode. Competitive is teams of three defending a "flag" that can be captured. 1 "attacker" heads up against 3 "defenders" The attacker is equipped with a "sniper" of sorts (beam riffle) and the defenders are equipped with "rockets" (fuel rods). There is a plethora of gamemodes, that might be able to be reproduced with halo 4's "Insta touch for flagnum" mechanic. Thoughts questions comments and Ideas? (If it needs to be moved feel free to move it. I dont think it belonged in the halo 4 forge section.)