ok a few days ago i decided to remake a map i dont think has ever been remade in halo , so i chose the multiplayer map Shooting Range from metriod prime 2's multiplayer . i really liked that map in the actual game played it all time with friends. WEAPONS DMR x2 Needler rifle x2 plasma repeater x2 needler x2 concussion rifle x2 sniper rifle x1 plasma launcher x1 spartan laser x1 energy sword x1 rocket launcher x2 over shield x2 camo x2 custom power up x2 VEHICLES heavy turret (immovable tank gun ) x1 PICS TURRET ROOM TURRET ROOM VIEW 2 HEAVY TURRET (SCORPION) the acid dark water (will kill u of u stay in the water for too long just like in the game team slayer initial spawn room (the 2 grapple beams at the side of the map have been changed to zip lines and grav lifts the random special power up thing. spawns all the pwer ups over time and also spawns the rocket . the back room , hook shot replaced for grav lift the map supports only slayer and team slayer as of right now , but will also support CTF . also theres an odd glitch where if u try to jump on top of the scorpion u will get hurt or die so i lowered the cieling over the turret as much as possible . also this map has yet to be tested so if anybody wants help me test it just message me.also some good feed back would help Gamertag= KingofAcesX
its just a multiplayer deathmatch map like in the game. so all u do is kill each other as of now, but im editing it too support ctf also
Just ran around it a bit. It looks good from what I can tell. Not exactly the prettiest map I've ever seen but that's okay. Seems quite accurate to the original, though my knowledge of the details has faded over time. I used to love this map on MP2 because I would always rush the turret right in the beginning and dominate the rest of the match. From what I can tell, that is the case here too. Whether or no that's a good thing I don't know.
ya im precticing in my skills at forging and making it look .."pretty" im stuck at the "do what u gotta do to get the build done " mode lol well there are a few power weapons on the map that would easly take down THE PERSON in the turret , i say that becouse for some reason the turret is almost indistructable xD it takes sometimes all of the spartan lazer ammo to blow it up .heres the vid i used as a ref to build this since i couldnt find pics Metroid Prime 2 Wii Version Multiplayer: Shooting Gallery (2-P)‏ - YouTube
You good sir, have good taste in gaming. I loved the multiplayer in MP2, I've wanted to remake a few maps for myself, might have to get on that lol. I think I've come across this map before a while back, it may not be the most asthetically profound map, but your layout's to the mark. Now if only Spartans had a morph ball mode...
Very original idea Remaking a MP2 multiplayer map. Although the gameplay can't perfectly emulate Metroid Prime, it is a good transition into Reach. What made you decide to use a Scorpion for the Heavy Turret instead of a Shade?
i used the scorpion since it was the closet weapon to the actual turret in the real game , the other weapons were too weak and didnt give my the same over powered feeling that turret from MP2 gave, sorry for the late reply i left forge hub and halo reach a long time ago =T [br][/br]Edited by merge: yea like i said , i wasnt that good with making my maps pretty , was just mainly looking for accuracy xD , sorry for the late reply i left forge hub and halo reach a long time ago =T [br][/br]Edited by merge: thanks and yea this was a very long time ago and i had removed the map from my file share sadly, sorry for the late reply i left forge hub and halo reach a long time ago =T