If you think i hate Fallout your wrong, its my favorite game i have ever played, counted in i think 3 days of ply time lol. Also, its considered an RPG. Just saying. Also, he means dialog that you can choose what to say, do you have conversation in left 4 dead that isn't through the mic. Also, don't say t counts as dialog when you type something in on pc so your team can see it
Fbu has already relieved me of doing so by creating a short list. I would hope you wouldn't hate Fallout 3. Anyone who did would have to give valid reasons why they disliked it. (other than story)
Damn, lol. Anyway, while this is all very interesting, the main point of the argument is deciding whether or not Fallout 3 is a shooter. I have already stated that Fallout 3 is not a shooter. The makers themselves do not even describe it as a shooter.