This is a montage by my friend's brother, ShmaY iZ BeaST. It is just a trailer for what is to come. Comment and rate on YouTube and here please.
3 vital things your friend forgot: 1) No Reticle I have seen a few videos where the reticule is missing. While un-zoomed it may not be a huge difference, once you do zoom-in with your sniper of BR, the entire middle portion of the screen is blank and simply appears closer and larger than before. For some reason Saved Film Clips do take what I like to call the Reticle/Scope away. To fix this, simple play your Saved Film Clip. Once the video begins, hit A to pause the video. Then, click Y to go into flying camera camera mode, then hit Y again to go to the 3rd person point of view. Now in 3rd person, hit the right thumbstick (or zoom-in for all others with a different controller setup), and there you have it. You will be in the 1st person point of view, and the reticle will be there, along with the scope and all when you zoom-in. 2) Progress Bar This is the thing that most annoys me. The small blue bar usually located in the upper-middle portion of the screen is what I call the Progress Bar. Because it looks so out of place, I recommend hiding it. To do so, hit B once the video begins and the Progress Bar will be hidden. 3) Announcer Voice If you play your Saved Film Clip normally all the way through, the Announcer Voice should be heard in the audio. However, once you rewind or go back in your clip at all, you will no longer be able to hear the Announcer Voice. Unfortunately, the only way to get the Voice back is to restart the Saved Film Clip and watch it without ever rewinding. These 3 really lower the quality of the montage, because it looks rushed and unproffessional. There were some nice clips thrown in there, but the above statement really lessens the amazement i should be receiving. The editing wasn't too good, if you are inexperienced with editing, you should really try to keep things simple, because the screen shake and violent blurs that he used become an annoyance, and don't improve the montage one bit.
I see what you are saying but he didn't film any of it, he used GameVee's video thingy where they film it for you if you can't film it so it's not really his fault. Most of the time there isn't a progress bar anyways so it isn't too bad.