L i n u b i d i x p r e s e n t s - S h l o o p y Link - http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=20015694 It is a very small a symmetric map with a very good use of timed map events. What I mean by that is, the weapon you see at the beginning will not be there after its been picked up. The map layout is very unique as there is, essentially, no horizontally flat areas. The central area has a Mauler (which doesnt respawn) in the middle which after 45 becomes a plasma rifle. In the corner is a small room (the green room) which has several receivers. The receivers come from a tunnel. There is a sniper perch, and down the ramp from the sniper perch is an energy sword/shotgun. Most rooms have more than one entrance which is why I have placed sheild doors to avoid spawn killing. The weapons - Carbine turns into BR BR turns into Carbine Mauler turns into Plasma Rifle Beam Rifle turns into Sniper Rifle Sword turns into Shotgun Power Drain turns into Bubble Sheild Flamethrower turns into Oversheild Camo turns into 2 Firebombs 2 Spike Grenades turns into 2 Plasma Grenades 2 Plasma Grenades turns into 2 Spike Grenades Trip mine doesn't swap with anything Screenshots - Central Area, Mauler in the middle Base A, which comes from the central area 1 of the Sheild Doors, looking into Base A A turn to the left Beneath the above screenshot, at the bottom of the stairs. Looking down the stairs The Sniper Perch, you can see the sender... This is where it takes you Beneath the Sniper Perch, the stairs leading to the tunnel Looking out from the tunnel A turn to the left, you can see sender which takes you to the green room The Green Room I reccommend up to 6 players, any more and it might get a bit too crowded. And if you're wondering, yes it is set up for all gametypes.
the weopons changing is definatly an idea i have not seen before and the map is crazy you dont know which way is up and down and i really like the cool picture at the top with all the arty affects.
i'm guessing you implemented the weapon changing by placing one weapon as set on start yes never respawn, then another in the same spot with set on start no respawn 45 seconds or something, what happens if the weapon is not picked up? do they just both lie there? this could be disastrous if you leave the plasma rifle and the mauler sitting next to each other on (what appears to be) such a small map, as for not having level flooring anywhere, it's nice and cool, but did you get rid of all the bumps? because the flooring in screenshot 1 looks very messy. PS. Shloopy? really?
This map is really smooth and there is no way out, I have tried and failed so it is a good map. Very well designed and complicated, how long did this take to make?
Shloopy, couldn't think of anything else, plus I wanted a catchy title. And it is very much walkable. As for the weapons overlapping, if someone is duel weilding the plasma rifle and mauler while someone else is carrying both snipers, well that just adds to the fun. Oh and to Yuross. I made most of the scenery in a couple of days, then stopped working on it and focused on getting to Commander. After that, all that was left was weapons, spawns and objective items. Just download it, give it a try, I'm not saying keep this on your hd forever but just give it a try.
i shall, and i will get back to you. what program/effect did you use in your custom map pic? it's really good and i want to give it a go.
Looks like a nice map and the different weapons spawning in the same place sounds interesting. I will DL to check it out. I just want to point out two flaws: The interlocking looks a little, "messy," if that makes any sense. Is every floor smooth? The shield doors scare me, considering you have a sword/shotgun on the map. Looks like people will have to opportunity to camp behind the doors, a la snowbound
Adobe Photoshop Elements 4. Oh, I am currently working on a Shloopy V2. Which will have no sword. I'm thinking about making it a brute shot. And maybe putting the shotgun at the end of the corridor
I have to say, well done. You have done a great job with making an organic feeling enviroment with interlocking. And also, your first picture looks very cool, I love that photo editing to make it look like a sketch!
There is a lot of interlocking. I probably started more rounds then I ever have when making a map. Lol, I have 69 posts. .......DAMN!