Shipping Yard

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by p01s0n Ac1d, Feb 9, 2008.

  1. p01s0n Ac1d

    p01s0n Ac1d Ancient
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    Shipping Yard

    The Shipping Yard is a 3 story building in front of the shipping docks. The Attackers start out in a locked cell with a bed and a couple benches. Grab you're weapons and bust through the window to continue on. There are multiple ways to complete your objective. You can go straight for the flag, guns a blazing or take a stealthier route under the docks to your objective. You can take the high road and rain fire from the turret above or try to make it around the docks through the tunnel. Either way, The Shipping Yard has you covered.

    There's more one way to play at The Shipping Yard, play on these gametypes to ensure hours of fun.

    Compatible Gametypes:
    • Assault
    • Neutral Bomb
    • One Bomb
    • Multi Flag
    • One Flag
    • Crazy King
    • Team King
    • Mosh Pit
    • Oddball
    • Team Oddball
    • Low ball
    • Ninja ball
    • Rocket Ball
    • All Default Slayer Types
    • All Default Territory types

    Any Gametype not on the list isn't compatible with Shipping Yard, these games are to be played at own risk.

    This is a video walk-through of Shipping Yard. Sadly though, when i tried to edit it, add music or anything, the video would freeze and skip and other bad things. so sadly there is no music for your watching pleasure. enjoy it anyways!


    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    A Basic Overview of the Map

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    The Attackers Spawn. In Order to get out the players must bash through the pallet, like breaking out of jail.

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    The Shack. Also The Defenders Spawn/Flag Spawn Etc. Also called "The Hobo Hideout"

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    The Dock. In the Background is the building.

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    You can go under The Dock for all those Ninjas out there.

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    The Back Alley.

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    View From 3rd Floor Stairs.

  2. p01s0n Ac1d

    p01s0n Ac1d Ancient
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    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^o btw^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    in order to view the pics fully, you need to scroll sideways. sorry about the inconvenience
  3. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    Nice post, nice job adding a video and lots of pics.

    From a glance, the only thing this map really really needs is some interlocking.
    I think you did a good job creating the feel of it being a shipping yard.

    I would DL, Test, and Review for you, but i have too many people i already need to do that for.
  4. UnderEpic

    UnderEpic Ancient
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    I think some maps like this one should replace the default foundry.
  5. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    It looks a little messy (like Titmar said, no interlocking), but should support game play fine. One question, though do you have to crawl under the dock? If so, then The only problem I have with this map is under the deck: The line of barriers looks way too long, and leaves you too prone for attacks from behind (or in front from defending players).
    Even if it's a Risk/Reward kind of thing to do, If you get caught sneaking, your almost always going to die, as there's no room to run.
  6. p01s0n Ac1d

    p01s0n Ac1d Ancient
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    no u don't have to go under the dock, it's just an option. as u said it is risk/reward so if u wanna be ninja u need to take the chance of getting pwned. its not as long as it seems in pic.
  7. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    This looks like a very nice map. I personally like how it feels like a shipping yard. Great job and I love the addition of a video in your post.
  8. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Neat, organized, well thought out. Some interlocking could be nice but without it is fine. This map has a nice aesthetic element to it to. Nice work.

    Senior Member

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    dope map. it actually feels like a shipyard pretty tight. well done

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