SHIPPING CO. Supports all Gametypes Shipping Co. is a close quarters map that is best suited for 1v1 or 2v2 playing. It supports all gametypes. The map is a lot of fun when you play oddball on it. The map has two starting areas, one is in a room on the top floor, the other is on the bottom and opens up to a long tunnel. Weapons/ Equipment 1x Brute Shot 1x Sentinel Beam 1x Battle Rifle 4x Spiker 4x SMG 1x Sniper Rifle 1x Carbine 2x Mauler 1x Plasma Pistol 8x Plasma Grenade 4xFrag Grenade 2x Spike Grenade 1x Deployable Cover 1x Regenerater Other View of Main Area Lower Stairwell Bend in Stairwell Outside View Download Shipping Co.
looks decently fun, just post more pics of the whole map, or is this just the single room and thats it?
looks pretty good for free for all slayer variants, but i'm not so sure about multi-flag but one flag or one bomb looks fun, weapon placement looks fairly good based on open space and map size, 4/5, nice map
well then, nicely made map dude....maybe some more interlocking, and a tip is to put the outside boxes facing in with the smoooth edge, and interlock them all....that would add tremendously to the aesthetic outcome!
Ooo, you got the concept of enclosed spaces down pat, mate. But how many weapons do you need in such a small place? I'm downloading this for a time killer.
Sorry I made this before any one new about interlocking, I just recently remembered how fun it was and decided to post it.
Ya this map does look very nice. It look like it took some time to complete it and it did pay off with this great map. The outside boxes should be facing in just because it is more aesthetically pleasing. Good Job. 4/5.
well theres not much i can say about this. it is a good close quarters map. with a lot of good features but i have three things that i can say. first of all a wall is crooked i would straighten and interlock that. two turn the double boxes upside-down to make it smoother. Finally the staris should be slightly interlocked into the boxes to make it smoother.
it looks like a decent map, i could see some ploppy parts but all together its nice. and i agree a little to small.
lol ploppy... on a new note, i agree totally with sharpshooter about the stairs and the boxes, but i didnt quite see the crooked wall.....? EDIT: yeah i just saw it its in the first pic where the wep holder is....
looks a little sloppy and not interlocked you still did a good job with it though a v2 would make it a lot better 3.5/5
I like the idea but this looks sloppily made and could use a lot more interlocking. Seems small but OK at the same time so I'll give it a 3.5/5
BTW ZOMG your welcome for getting that image up for you...even if he didnt use it i got the HQ version for your sig...btw ZOMG i agree with you on the map that didnt know...etc
I think this map is great but try useing double boxes instead of fence boxes they kinda make your map look bad when it's really not. Also add more pics.