Hey guys, this is Shipment (from Call of Duty 4), I have replicated the Cod 4 version as closely as possible, it even contains invisible walls to stop you from getting out the map! = ) DOWNLOAD FROM: *Link removed* Gametypes: Call of duty 4 Teamslayer *Link removed* Call of duty 4 Search And Destroy *Link removed*
It may just be me but i can not see the pictures and you need to have more of a description and a weapon layout would be nice!
Firstly there have been hundreds of Shipment remakes. They all fail in Halo. Why make Remakes when you can make your own map? Secondly do not repost your map. Simply edit this tomorow. Then just post saying that your screenshots are fixed. It will make you look like a noob(Which you are since you just joined and made a Shipment remake. The noobiest map in CoD4 lol) and people will think of you as another FH Noob who just wants what they all want. So please just edit tomorow.
Hmm, so thats how you great new members to a website that up until now they have never even visited, and BTW, I made a remake because.. I wanted to? Moron, and also do any other shipment remakes have invisible walls? Urm, no? So screw you, and the screenshots are fixed, they just needed time for them to appear for some reason so FYM.
People are dicks on this forum. This looks like a pretty good remake. I like how you even put the barrels in the open boxes. It kinda of looks escapable, maybe you just try adding a little more boundary walls around the side =D 4/5
Looks like a solid remake and looks pretty accurate too. An idea of the weapons would be good as well. I can see from just the screenshots that the map is definately easily escapable, which is a problem you should look to fix. Other than that, looks good and I like the scenary outside of the map it definately gives a better atmosphere. EDIT: Just had a forge through - how the hell did you get invisible walls there?
the invisible walls are awesome, i never would have thought of that. also i know it wouldn't fit in with the map but you should probably use reciever nodes/ weapon holders to weigh down the moveable terrain like the dumpsters. it's the best remake of the map i've seen though, 5/5 for a remake.
great! another shipment remake can everyone please note that this map has been done to death? its a horrible map in the first place,let alone the idea of playing it in halo
invisible walls.... sounds like modding reported to moderator.... enjoy you're infraction. Read the rules
1. Invisible walls? 2. Shipment can't be done in Halo, unless you could make it Call of Duty 3. Comparison Picture, the boxes are on Angles You did not make any on angles, and that is not jsut some little detail to be pushed under the carpet, it is the map, and this map is escapable.