Shipment V1.1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by nffcchris, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. nffcchris

    nffcchris Ancient
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    Shipment V1.1 (not cod4)

    (NOT cod4)
    [SIZE=+1]by nffcchris[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=+1]Map description:[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=+1]This is a medium sized map, with a ship located in the middle whilst surrounded by a cliff edge.[/SIZE]
    It was designed for close combat and took some time to make, there has been quite a few changes since Ship V1 to make it more playable.

    This map is best suitable for 2v2 or 3v3

    [SIZE=+1]Supported Gametypes:[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=+1]Team Slayer[/SIZE]

    BR x 3
    Carbine x 2
    Sniper x 2
    Mauler x 1
    Shotgun x 1
    Rocket Launcher x 1
    SMG x 1
    Needler x 1
    Plasma Rifle x 1


    route around the back

    back end of the ship

    front end of ship (bubble shield right at the front)

    bridge leading to cliff edge

    One entrance to cliff base (shield door is there to stop the other team constantly throwing grenades)

    #1 nffcchris, Nov 1, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2008
  2. TripleO8

    TripleO8 Ancient
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    Excellent map! i love the interlocking and geomerging on this map. Although, i don't see a ship in the picturess, i will prob see it when i DL it tho. anyways, nice merging, DL in progress
  3. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    The ship is in the middle of the map. Read the post and look at the pictures more carefully.
    Anyway nice map. A little sloppy but hardly at all.
  4. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    Uh... I don't see any geomerging from any of the pictures...

    When I first saw the title I definitely expected to see yet another CoD4 remake of Shipment but I was pleasantly surprised.

    Ships are definitely a hard thing to Forge and it seems you did a decent job of it. If there is a playable interior you should show it off but I don't think there is because the map as a whole is already tight for space
  5. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Excellent work! For a first post impressive. I thought this was going to be another stupid shipment from COD4. We have enough of those. Your map could use a little touching up, but it's nice right now for a first. One problem, looking through you pictures the only weapon I saw was a sniper. You should have some AR's or BR's laying around for someone to pick up if they do not have ammo. One last thing about the sniper, with the new update is should play well. Very good, more weapons and it's perfect. 4/5.
  6. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    pros-Well use of interlocking made a nice cliff edge and a ship worth being noticed by many people.
    cons-Might be a little unfair. The ship looks like it contains a lot of heavy weapons and I dont see any heavy weapons in the cliff base but I didnt really see much of the cliff base so I will have to find out for my self.

    Overall astetics-4.9/5
    Good map and keep forging and improving.
  7. s3anz2

    s3anz2 Ancient
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    Good Map. You have some nice clean interlocking, especially near the cliff edge and the sniper. It looks like you may be able to jump (grenade) up onto that little edge that follows most of the perimeter of the map and get over one of your walls. I could be wrong, but try blocking it off with something. Got my Dl 4/5. good work.
  8. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    hmmm well where the mancannon is it looks like its really easy to get out of the map, is that correct? the rest looks really cool, the shield door cave has to be a major pressure point, and ive always wanted a map that has the walkways on the outside wall

    great job, though id like to make sure its unbreakable.
  9. nffcchris

    nffcchris Ancient
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    I think i know where your on about, their is a bridge there to stop people from getting out.

    The weapons are placed fairly to how the map plays, as you come off the bridge leading from the ship there's a little cave you can go in. At the back theres a shotgun. (its hiden)

    There isn't because the doors locked themselves half way through making it, so i wasn't able to.
  10. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    This map looks really good and definitly fits five star quality
    I would love to see how this plays with team doulbes.
    I wonder if camping could be an issue with the shield doors tho.
    doesnt matter still a good map, good job
  11. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    I like it! It looks like you worked hard on the fusion and the layout looks good, which I also like. Overall 8/10. Great job!
  12. nffcchris

    nffcchris Ancient
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    I wouldnt of thought so, because you can sneak up behind them and the cliff base you can go in through the back so camping wouldnt work there.
  13. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    Oh, thanks for answering my questions. Yeah, Some of the times my doars get locked up and it really sucks. It does seem more fair now that the cave people have shootys.

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