
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ebon hawks vids, Nov 13, 2010.

  1. DarkFalcon

    DarkFalcon Ancient
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    Ok, first of all, if you want us to judge your map fairly that it deserves screenshots are very important. Second when editing your map please edit the original thread instead of creating a completely knew one. When you post it agian it pushes the maps of others down so fewer people can veiw them. This will tell you how to add screenshots to your post.

    For the map I can't quite tell what it's for? It looks way to open, I see no weapon system. To me I see very little to do with any gameplay that is in the pre-built nd if there is a custom gametype add it to your post. Otherwise no one will be able to play your map. I'm guessing the other thread with the video was a glith and you did not meant to post it twice.
  2. Hat

    Hat Guest

    Change the title of your thread. It only needs to be (and is actually against the rules is if it's more than this) the map name.

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