So I've been meaning to create a ship on Avalanche, Foundry, or Standoff, but I don't know how. I don't want a ship filled to the brim with cannons, just a simple freighter-like one used for TDM. I have a few questions like where and what should I make it out of, how big can I possibly make it, how to make it balanced, do I have to merge surfaces to give it a clean feeling, and will it have that cramped feeling that most ships I've seen have? I want to make a ship-like structure with three levels, the top level with the crew quarters and bridge, the second level with the armory, and the bottom level with a massive cargo bay that has a paintball arena like cover system. do I color code containers? Please help me, as you guys hand me out suggestions I will visualize it and draw it out on a sheet of paper then work on it on forge, and if you happen to know a map that looks like what I described, can you give me a link to it?
You should remake the ship in CoD4. I would so play that. Make it in Avelanche in the air. It would make it a whole lot easier. Trust me.
hmm...good please? do you want the whole ship or just the cargo deck and everything above it? from my experience it looks simple enough to make... edit : asking for advice by the way. im not filling out requests, but your idea is awesome.
I would do that. Maybe add the front of the ship, but not the back. I'll get pictures tomorrow, but you could just google it. The nap name is "Wetworks" and it is ok CoD4, not 5
Make it in the air so you don't have to worry about the uneven grounds. It might take a little while. But its worth it.
I might though, but I've been working on my ship. I need to know the limits though...I want a massive freighter that covers a quarter of Avalanche.
I really doubt you could do that. Well, possible, if you don't want any weapons or any of that stuff. Maybe you should try it on the Foundry Deisgner. See if you could make the ship from there.
You're probably going to need to sacrifice overall aesthetics for playability. What I mean is that you're going to have to focus on what the player sees as the ship, more so than what the entire ship looks like. You'll have to plan most, if not all, of it out first. Anyways, make at least the top deck above a death pit. The bottom decks should be enclosed, and close quarters, except for a floor or two where there's less cover. Use teleporters to link levels so you don't have to forge it all in one spot.