Shifting Sand V2.5 4-10 Player Slayer/CTF Download This is version 2.5 of my map, I decided not to post version 2 as its own thread because I felt that it was not closed off enough, so in 2.5, there is virtually no way to get anywhere I didn't want you to be. Shifting Sand was my very first serious forged map that I put a lot of pride, time, and effort into. It isn't perfectly forged, but it is the best I am going to make it. The main purpose for the map was that I wanted a map that I could call my own, and one that fits my play style perfectly. Overview Weapon/Equipment List: Battle Rifle x2 Magnum x6 SMG x4 Mauler x1 Brute Shot x1 Plasma Rifle x2 Spiker x2 Sniper x2 Sentinel Beam x1 Mongoose x2 Deployable Cover x1 Spike Grenade x4 Carbine x2 Spartan Laser(Hidden) x1 Symmetrical Sections -UPDATED- Spoiler Armory -UPDATED- Front Of Each Base -UPDATED- Shifting Sand is primarily used for 2v2 to 5v5 slayer, CTF, or one bomb, although it may support more, I haven't tested it with more than 10 people yet. The map is also based loosely off of Blood Gulch, with the caves and sniper-oriented bases. Points Of Interest -UPDATED- Spoiler Red Cave Leads to Brute Shot Spawn Brute Shot Spawn With camping trap Sentinel Beam Spawn On top of Blue Mountain Neutral Cave Sniper Spawn On top of each base Mauler Spawn The reasoning of the fusion coils in the Brute Shot spawn is so that players do not camp the area. I may or may not make a V3, since I'm starting to get sick of this map, and the ascetics and smoothness are about as good as they are getting from me. Download Any and all criticism is appreciated and considered, as long as it is constructive.
Wow.. okay, no need to be a d**k. This map is okay but I think it could do with some improving.. for example the middle section of the map could use more work, maybe add some more buildings or walls maybe? try connecting the outside structures together just to make it play better and it might improve the ascetics =D there is some good forging involved and some unique ideas. I like the mongooses they maker me laff =D
The geometry of the bases and some of the caves actually looks pretty good, but the bulk of the useable space in the crypt has been left vacant. You need to do something to help fill out that unused space, in order to give the map some unity, character, and unique gameplay. These are things which are expected, and are the reasons we build, maps. Beyond that, while it's good you recognize that the forging isn't the best, there are some areas where a tiny bit of effort would've gone a long way. Example: in the "front of each base" picture, the shield door guarding the Y-intersection entrance is skewed, so that it's not running parallel to the entrance. It seems to me that such is a detail that could easily be cleaned up. Furthermore, looking to the Brute Shot Spawn, the Fusion Coils seem like taking the easy way out for solving the camping problem. If you find that there are gameplay issues in a certain area, the better solution is to restructure that area so that the issues are eliminated. That way, its foolproof. -=Moxus=-
Wow. That was very uncivilized. Might I suggest you take a hike and clean out your mouth. Because dude, that was completely unnecessary. It may not be the best map, but you don't have to flame the poor guy. --- This map is quite open. I see your playing style involves taking cover and sniping a lot. I would recommend taking out the armory, and scattering the weapons a little more. Pardon my asking but do you have more budget on this map. I know open was what you were probably going for but even big open areas need cover. On the bright side, you balanced the weapons exceptionally for this map and i love the mongoose placement. 7/10 for hard work and effort. I don't know maybe i will dl and give a higher rating.
I actually like the idea of this map a fair bit, altough u could brush up on ur forging, it is still a unique and fairly clean build. im going to go with a 7/10 i also really like the sentinal beam spawn, although it could use bit of cleaning up on that part. nice job
I might work on a V3 this week based on everyone's constructive criticism, and I appreciate it all. The problem is, what would be good for the middle section? Should I attach the middle section with the mauler to the two caves on each side or something? Or should I merge some pillars or columns to break the lines of sight a bit? -EDIT- I put a total of 3 entrances to the Brute Shot spawn, made it actually visible now, I also spent a bit of time cleaning up that overall cave, haven't touched much more other than that, though, I also made the shield doors more parallel than they were.
I like the idea of this map, what could be needed though is some custom blocks, try geomerging out if you need someone to show and explain over xbox live via party i can show you. my gt is Z0MB13 KILL3R just make sure to send a message saying help with geomerging ect ect. For you middle section i suggest building a ring out of geomerged double blocks with four ramps either side and in the middle put some sort of structure for example geomerge some ramps into a circle