Shield Depleting Floor Techinque

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by BA_Tango, Apr 14, 2008.

  1. BA_Tango

    BA_Tango Ancient
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    How to Make a Shield Depleting Floor
    Before we start, I like to state that TurboGerbil and I discovered this technique on an accident.

    You start off by spawning a normal Crate onto the ground, and then you must interlock single walls around the crate to create a box shape shaft. Remove the crated from the shaft and then place two man cannons on the bottom, facing away from each other by using the interlocking technique once again. Now you might be asking why use man cannons? Because they are strong enough to force the crate enough to damage the shield or kill you if you in its path. Now with that answer out to way, it is time to change the spawn at start to no on both man cannons.

    Next is a little tricky and takes many times to get the placement of the receiver nodes right. Spawn a receiver node and place it inside the shaft. Rearrange it so the top of the crate should be level with the top of the walls, then save as new map, then quit. Don’t let go of the receiver node.

    If you manage to do this, now place the crate on of the receiver node and place another receiver node on top of the crate with enough room to bounce very rapidly when the man cannons spawn. This will cause the crate to bounce very violently while trapped inside the shaft. To finish it off, set the spawns to the receiver nodes and crate to no, then make it so the man cannon spawns at the start of new round. Continue to do this till all object spawn at the beginning of the game.

    This technique will cause the crate to smash into the player’s feet and deplete their shield instantaneously, but it won’t kill them no matter how long they stay on it.

    Hope you enjoy learning a new technique.
  2. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Yeah I noticed this when soccer balls failed to kill people who fell in my deathpit. Good implementation of this technique tho!
  3. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's a little old, but now I come to think about it, no one ever posted any information on it.

    It's pretty awesome, and thanks for putting up a tutorial.
  4. BA_Tango

    BA_Tango Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I didn't know it was already known or anything, but I am glade to help whenever I can. Hope this totural helps all those that been wondering how to make shield depleting floors or objects.

    Your welcome Shock Theta
    #4 BA_Tango, Apr 14, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2008
  5. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    I don't really understand it...
    Anyway you could get a video of it working?
  6. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    i made something a lot like this by accident. i was making my blood gulch remake on valhalla and i put a crate on the man cannon and put teleporters on it to keep it still so it would block the teleporter.
    i noticed that when i jumped on top of the crate, my shield would almost instantaneously deplete and if i stood on it with just my health, i wouldn't die. when my teammate shot me once with one bullet of his assault rifle i died immediately.
    i guess it can only lower your health till you have one point of health left

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