Hey tere, I've seen a few remakes of Shi No Numa out there but I don't think they're like the original so I'm thinking about making one myself. I was thinking of asking around to see how to make things like the RWB and the doors. Also, another thing I didn't like about other peoples remakes is how small the outside areas are. I was thinking of making the main building cover the normal area (not all, just so parts touch the sand) and have the swampy parts in the dunes, to make it seem more outdoors. Thanks for reading and any suggestions posted will be welcome. Thanks, Matt
Look at my thread it shows some examples for guns http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/80253-call-duty-world-war-guns-halo-3-a.html the dune idea is brillant
Your welcome remeber there is perk machines you'll need to find stuff for that(not) I got jugernuat= Overshiled the only con is it wears of but makes it harder And you could use Corner large or small of the hills in the swap
Overshields will only ware off if there is shield regeneration, if he has shields but regeneration at 0%, the Overshield shouldn't deplete. Damage reduction for the Zombies to let two hits on a player could be a good idea too, so then with the Overshield a player can be hit 4 times. Lastly, Juggernaut/Overshield idea seems to be the only perk possible, so you could have respawning Overshields for each of the 4 areas. Making the areas in the Dunes seems like a good idea, since the lighting would add to the authenticity, but creating those areas without a flat surface isn't ideal. Try using the Crypt, you may get a better resault. For barriers, you could use deployable covers, the lower damage could make it so a Zombie has to hit it more than once. To unlock areas, a player could be supplied with a Deployable Grav lifts, or Pre-set Grav lifts that move objects blocking one's path.
Good idea about the humans getting grav lifts to unlock areas except there is only 4 you can place for them to pick up. I could probably use them for the outer buildings seeing as normally you don't unlock the outside yntil you want to get to a house.
You only get 4, but you can have one, for example, on a spawn timer so players can't immediately unlock all the areas, and to unlock more, they have to wait until they respawn. This way, every say 1 minute, the Humans get a new grav lift to unlock an area. By 5 minutes, they should have all 4 areas unlocked, as long as something else holds the objects up after the lift is deployed. That would effect the whole map, Shi No Numa's outside areas are darker than inside, there for that's why using the Dunes over Gloomy is a better idea. And Gloomy sucks, like most of the other effects, I feel like my eyes are bleeding when lighting effects are on :\
Im not sure how this would work. It would be very hard to pull off with the windows while still having items and budget left. The moving random Weapons Box would also be a challenge, though you could probably make it so that its a static box. Good luck.