Shatterfield is a small symmetrical map, designed for fast paced SWAT and Slayer games. As seen from below: The level is laid out in a simple yin-yang shape, with small bridges connecting the spawn areas to the wings of the main hallway. The main hallway is very brightly lit, thanks to two white lights set underneath the floor, and has a focus rifle at either end. Here you can see it from blue team's end. The "wings" are both overlooked by covered bunkers with turrets, and contain the only grenades placed on the map. The roof level has a pair of small bunkers (not prefabricated) with extra spawns, as well as a quick means of getting from one side to the other, provided you are prepared to land a moderate jump. Roof access is limited to a couple of less-than-obvious paths, one being the covered bunkers with turrets, and the other being an easy jump from the main hall to the areas above the initial spawn points. This is primarily to accommodate capture the flag, and to keep the gameplay varied, so that extra effort will need to be exerted in order to drop in behind your opponent. Weapons on map include: DMRs (need to go back and count, but needless to say, plenty) Sticky grenade (x2) Frag grenade (x2) Focus rifle (x2) Shotgun (x1) Chainguns (x2) Grenade launcher (x2) Plasma Pistol (x2) Color filter: none Feedback greatly appreciated
Nice map! I really like how you used the white lights to light up the hallway. Shatterfield is obviously well-forged and very smooth. Just one thing I need to say and I'll be out of your hair. Did you design this before you forged this? By designed I mean drew it on a piece of paper or somthin'. If you did, I'd love to see them. Can't wait to see your next work. Until next time, -MattV01
No, I've used this basic layout before, but I decided I wanted to try making it a little less constricted, so I started from scratch and just laid out my main hall and then worked in the "wings" and bridges. I like making small maps, but they can be a bit tricky to get used to, so I figured lots of glass would make it a lot easier to find your way around, and add an interesting element to seeking cover. As far as smoothness goes, yes it is, and it took a lot of work lol - those glass covers make terrible floors - had to use railings as ramps everywhere. Neat bonus though - the railings lights look cool, and add to the brightness. Thanks for you feedback
i like it, this map definitely looks like an original/individual. it seems too bright, but ill determine that for sure when i check it out in the game. lookin forward to it
Sorry man I didn't like this map it's to hard to walk around and I also my friends and me we always got stuck on the gravity lift I think your map needs I lil more work
Nice map, I like how most of the floors are transparent, but then again, it may cause frame rate issues especially with the lights. Lights bouncing off of glass usually can cause the frame rate to drop. You might want to test this with an 8 player party.
Awesome! Thanks for the feedback everyone! I'll tweak the grav lifts tonight, and I'll see about testing full party for frame rate
Hey man i really like the look of you map its a very nice design and i enjoy the open corridor style game play, my only problem was the bumping up and down when going over glass covers, if you were to flip them and lay the closer together that problem might be eliminated... just a though
Updated: Fixed grav lifts, pulled light effects for frame rate Oh, and added additional grav lifts for upper level access - need to update screenshots