A map to be used with the game variants One Bomb and One Flag. For use with 6-10 players. Two bases, one large hich is used by the defenders and one small, used by the attackers. The thing I regret about this map is that I didn't make it on a money glitched map so weapon placment and back ground scenery isn't what I wanted it to be. Also, to open the gate you must either be inside (Using the back door, or open it from out side by deystroying a grav ligt loacted in a room at the front accesible from out side on the right. Download link: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Me getting sniped ^_^ Gate when closed. Grav Lift been deystroyed to open gate. Gate open. More pictures will be availble shortly.
Looks a little wide open for a sniper, a couple more pics would be nice. I like that its for onesided gametypes. Not many junior members make maps like that.
Well, it looks nice aesthetically, but I think the general construction could use some help. P.S. Nice powerup lighting =P
Seems really nice, although it has a little too much open space, and the fact that I think its best of being some type of an infection map.... 4/5
i'm sorry waaaaaaaaaaaaay tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo open and toooo many power ups even if you can't get to them it doesn't look good man