Sharp Henge is well put together race track. this is my first race track but not my first post here. i hope you guys like it, it has 2 big banks and a backflip machine, yes a backflip machine. if you guys need help with the back flip part MSG me. I am planning on making a website that holds races on some of the Halo 3 Race tracks. Prizes will be awarded. made for 1-6 players. Remember that this track is just for fun. This was made by me Th3 W1ngman (New GT) and Kcroyalsfan4life11 The Backflip Machine [/URL] Starting Line [/URL] Overview [/URL] Video of the track YouTube - Sharp Henge video DONWLOAD HERE
the problems with these kinds of tracks u have to hit every perfect to get to the next stage. this track is pretty well designed but in some parts its pretty messy. For exsample the first picture you could interlock the road with the jump. but for now 3/5
i like the layout of this map a lot and i like the ramp that goes right over the top of the map through the middle. however this map is sloppy and lacking merging ina lot of places. the curves with walls that are seperated is very sloppy and if youd make curved turns instead of a square one itd be better. this map just looks like you can fall off in too many places. 3/5