Sandbox Sharp Edge

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Merrifield69, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. Merrifield69

    Merrifield69 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sharp Edge

    Supported Gametypes
    All the good gametypes.
    Capture the Flag, Slayer, Team Slayer, OddBall, and King of the Kill

    Map Description
    This map is completely symmetrical and is perfect for any Multi Flag gametype.

    Weapon List
    1 Sniper
    2 Needlers
    2 Maulers
    2 Assault Rifles
    4 SMGs
    2 Plasma Rifles
    6 Battle Rifels
    2 Magnums




    Overveiw of the map

    Blue base

    Closer image of the blue base

    The tunnel


    Middle overveiw

    Inside the tunnel

    Middle part of the tunnel

    Download Sharp Edge
    #1 Merrifield69, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009
  2. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a cool map. I like the layout on it. The structures are well forged too. ILl give it a 9/10. Good weapon placement aswell. :)
  3. pred10122

    pred10122 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    very good. perfect interlocking. BUT cant you just spawn kill away because of how colose the bases are? i do like the underground passage its original. this is a dl for me. 9.5/10 (more cover mabey?)
  4. Merrifield69

    Merrifield69 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I forge very differently than others. If i try to make a forge map with someone else the other guy would be like WTF?

    Anyway, the way i forge involves some very good techniques i found myself. When i use this technique, the output is always a perfect interlock.

    I was going to add more cover but then i got very impatient so i decided to post the map.

    Thanks for pointing out things the map needs a little work on.
  5. Captain Night

    Captain Night Ancient
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    I think it shows off some good forging but you need more cover and distinct areas for spawns. Right now it looks very easily spawntrapable. Looks a but too small for CTF too. It will result in fast games.
  6. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good map, reminds me of a very small conquest map. You could add railings, and maybe an airborne spawn place to prevent spawnkilling. This will be a serious problem, but other than that this is very neat and a good layout.
  7. Bipolar Mushroom

    Senior Member

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    This maps looks like a really goo.d team doubles map due to its size if you have ever seen transfusion by deathtoll77 this map is a lot like it.
  8. Caretaker

    Caretaker Ancient
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    Since when does ForgeHub give absolutely no criticism at all? This is under "Competitive" correct? Well, from a competitive aspect, this map would suck. The middle platform would be the hot spot for one team to spawn kill the crap out of the other team. They have no cover on spawn and would be completely overwhelmed over and over. Not to mention the maulers would simply turn the game into one giant spawn-kill fest. It's extremely small so the gameplay would go by almost instantly. You'd need to quaduple the entire space for it to fit any of those gametypes. I don't know when people started ignoring blantant gameplay facts but this map is not up to par in order for the gameplay to work.

    LOS - Too easy to view the entire map from one spot. Your only cover is the tunnel and even then, you'd have to get past being spawn killed. Plus the fact that shield doors + mauler on the only place a person could run to.

    POI - There is no difficultly getting to the POI on the map. As soon as one team took the middle with BRs, the match would be over.

    RVR - Too much reward for such little risk.

    PO - There is such a ridculous amount of weapons for such a small map that the PO isn't even needed.

    WS / WB - Terrible. The spacing? There is no spacing. You could grab one weapon, walk two feet, then grab another. The balance? Nope. Needlers on an open map with no cover, maulers with shield doors, sniper with open-area spawns.

    MF - The flow would work but it would be unfair for the other team.

    MP - Not enough cover to MP.

    I know this was a harsh review but no one else will balls up and say what needs to be said anymore. If a senior member won't, I will. You need to seriously incase the amount of space in this map with more cover and less weapons. I love the forging, it looks great. I just know this map would play bad.

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