Okay, so basically my intent for this thread is for people to post their ideas, however wild and crazy they may be. These ideas may fall in any of the categories listed below. Forging ideas The name is pretty self explanitory. By Forging ideas I mean any ideas you've had for building a map within the laws of forging, so nothing fictional. This is not a forging service, so I won't necessarily use your ideas, I just like hearing creative ideas. Map ideas This is where the fictional part comes in. By Map ideas I want you to share your ideas about original maps. And I don't mean forge maps, I mean maps like the ones Bungie makes. In this one, I obviously can't do anything with your ideas, but again I like to hear them and I'm sure other people do to. Fictional Forging Under this category, share the ideas you think should be included in Forging. By this I mean ideas such as non-player-characters, RB activated switches, extra options, etc. I hope that I have created a good place for people to find and share ideas. Thanks for reading.
I dont know how many others will contribute, because alot of people want to keep their ideas to themselves, because ultimately its the idea that can make or break the map, but here is something i have been thinking of. I have been working on an idea for a game which is similar to the ever popular 'Conquest' but instead favours a 1 sided gameplay. The rounds would be similar to the Terrirories featured in the valhalla and sandtrap games in Matchmaking, but instead the player would be forced to capture the territories in order. My idea was (and still is) to create a large, enclosed combat space, of multiple floors (hopefully 4). The attackers would spawn at the bottom, the defenders at the top. There would be only a handful of ways upwards, but multiple ways down, and to specific floors. This would mean that the attackers would have to work thier way upwards in the building, but the defenders could choose what floor they want to go to from the top floor, by way of 'garbage chutes' (idea created before by me, but never released, some may have seen it) I would hopefully create a very fun, action packed map to be placed in the category of 'Conquest'. It would appeal to fans of that game, but also attract some new people to the variant. It would also be much more interesting, because it would offer completely new gameplay tactics. At the moment i am working eagerly on this project, if all goes well with the design stage i will be getting to work on this project, with the hope that the map will support normal objective games too.
I like the way this is well organized. Therefore, I will try to contribute in an effort to keep this on the top. One Forging Ideas, I made a map that reverses the way that Objective games are normally played. Usually, bases contain the Flag higher up, and it's very easy to defend, but also easy to exit. In my map, I made the bases underground, so that it's easy to get into, but difficult to get out of. It takes a lot more teamwork, instead of one guy just bravadoing in like Rambo and capturing the flag.
Thank you both for posting on this. Both of your ideas are really cool! Although I haven't heard of conquest before I think I get what your talking about. And I really like the underground flag idea, it's cool to have to put in more effort and teamwork with objective games. Again, thank you for your efforts to keep this going. However, I'm thinking that maybe I should remove the first category because like Matty said, people like to keep their ideas to themselves.
i think this has already been done before, but when you think about it, ever single "Base" bungie has ever made, (Valhalla, Avalanche, Standoff, Narrows, Isolation) the power weapons have not been inside the base, you need to go find them for yourself. so i am thinking of making a ctf based map, with a huge base, but the power weapons spawn outside the base, forcing you to go find them. This will settle the "base camping with a sniper" problem once and for all.
That's a good point, Kovak. Never really paid attention to that. Conquest is territories, but situated between two bases, so it's tactical and strategic. There's a specific gametype for it, too. A lot of cool maps are Conquest. Try make a map like that and see how it goes.
I think Bungie should create a map on water. The default would include 1 or 2 big ships that are available in the menu. Along with that there would be several other scenery options; small boats, houseboats, cargo ships, etc. There would also be water vehicles to ride on, which I think would be really awesome. Besides just the water part of the map, there would be an opening in the surrounding cliffs that leads to a small cave type area. This map would be incredibly fun to play objective gametypes on, trying to invade a ship and plant a bomb, and just for fun, they make the whole ship explode. Fun fun fun.