Share Your Fallout:3 Life

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by hangman3745, Jan 10, 2009.

  1. halodude114537

    halodude114537 Ancient
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    I am a level 25 with most of the unique weapons, still haven't entered vault 87 it is my third playthrough. I use the perforator, Backwater Rifle, Victory Rifle, a standard Plasma Rifle, the Blackhawk, Miss Launcher, and the Xuanlong Rifle. I also usually carry the Alien Blaster, and I have nearly three hundred alien power cells. 100 repair, lockpick, small guns, energy weapons, sneak, and a strength of nine.
  2. Zendarrun

    Zendarrun Ancient
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    My name in Fallout 3 is Talann. I Am level 19 and like nothing more than to kill everything I see.
    I wear a raider blastmaster helmet and metal armour (or when I feel like mixing it up a bit, I switch to a wastehound mask and a grimy prewar business suit)
    I only carry five guns.

    1. Chaingun (minigun sounds stupid to me), the workhorse of my arsenal, I swap this with my Chinese AR when i run low on ammo (I leave one of them home when using the other)

    2. Sniper rifle, for the fun of sniping.

    3. The Metal Blaster (from the pit), I never leave home without it, It saves my ass more than I care to remember.

    4. lever-action rifle (from point lookout), i have a lever-action in real life. Not the same as this one though.

    5. Dartgun, for when I need to run away.

    I also use the Man opener (I said five guns, not weapons)

    I have bad karma due to my killing rampages.
    #102 Zendarrun, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  3. Mr brownstain83

    Mr brownstain83 Ancient
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    My name in Fallout is Taylor, and im level 20 (going to dl broken steel to get level cap up), i have 100 sneak and lockpick. I always carry my laser rifle, chinese AR and my sniper rifle. I wear the tesla enclave power armor. i have good karma cuz i had bad but i got it back up. I have the house in Megaton with the pre war theme and all the bobbleheads. I havent downloaded any DLC but i want to so bad.
  4. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    My xbox charcter is names Z, hes level 24 has every skill at 7 or higher. nearly all attributes at 100. But I don't play that much do to lack of challenge.
  5. Zendarrun

    Zendarrun Ancient
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    Ever considered raising the difficulty? There's your challenge.
  6. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Well I just had a horrific experience!

    So there I was, my level 23 Guiding Shepherd of the Wastes, making my way back home after having single-handedly (Prime who?) saved the land, activated project purity and provided clean water to all of my peers, all in a days work! It had been a painful 2 weeks recovering from radiation sickness and I just wished to return home to my love shack in Megaton.

    I stroll through the giant gates of the old Aircraft-crafted city, a fellow resident greats me and provides me with a free Squirrel on a Stick for my good deeds, I give my thanks and drop it on the floor, as is customary for our little transaction.

    Finally, I reach my humble little shack. I hastily push open my makeshift "door" and enter...

    "OMG ROFFLE BISCUITS I'VE BEEN RANSACKED!" I exclaim in cries of confusion, rage, and sadness. The items I've so carefully placed to decorate my shack: The Lincoln artefacts on my cupboard strewn about, my giant teddy bear on the chair replaced with a regular one, my unused training manuals on the shelf flung from their resting place, and my kitchen shelves, once filled to the brim with empty nuka bottles, now in disarray, the bottles thrown from their rightful location and replaced with regular old plates. The place is a mess!

    "This will take me hours to re-organise" I think to myself. "No matter" I say. I concede to myself that one cannot expect a luxurious abode, like mine, to remain in such top condition after my prolonged absence. I decide I need a cool drink before tackling the arduous task of cleaning this pandemonium. I head over to my refrigerator, an icy tomb that has preserved my collection of medical supplies, refreshing drinks, and chilled food for months. I gasp in horror - "OH SWEET JESUS MERCY OF MAY, WHERE ARE MY BEVERAGES AND CONFECTIONARY!?". All that remains are a Squirrel on a Stick and can of beans, I'm thoroughly dismayed. Months of stock gone in the blink of an eye. Now I'm in a panic and a fit, these were just my consumables, but what of my more luxurious items?

    I head to my "custom weapon materials" locker, the cabinet that houses all the raw materials I need to make all my fine fully-customised weapons of destruction: A dozen Deathclaw Hands, Scores of Scorpion Poison Glands, and near a hundred Toy Cars are just some of the items it houses. I need not even open the locker, for my heads up display tells me all I need to know, the spine-chilling words bracketed as if merely casual information - "[EMPTY]"

    I check the locker containing my repair weapons: stacked with regular sniper rifles, hunting rifles, shotguns etc, all for the purpose of keeping my unique weapons in top condition, also empty.

    Thoroughly distraught and spiritually destroyed, I head upstairs. Mr Rusty still shouts abuse at me through the door behind the room I've locked him in, "Well at least he's still where he belongs" I ironically murmur to myself. I enter the bedroom and check my final cupboard; my "unique weapons" cupboard, it contains all the amazing once-in-a-lifetime weapons that can never be reacquired, and my set would have been complete with my recently acquired Colonel Autumn’s Laser Pistol. Tentatively I approach my most treasured box, but then those soulless words stare at me, they're forever etched into my eyes - "[EMPTY]".

    It's over, my Fallout 3 life is over.

    tl;dr: Stupid god damn game reset my freakin' house back to its default shitty layout and lost all my stuff that I spent weeks and weeks acquiring, and I can't get any of it back! It happened after I completed the main quest and began the "Brotherhood of Steel" Expansion. I even went back to a previous save, before I finished the main quest and it was still all gone! WTF Bethesda! That's so god damn stupid it hurts my brain juice fathoming it. A PREVIOUS SAVE effects a stupid glitch that occurred AFTER it?! sdkhjasd;hfaklsdhfaav

    Needless to say I have no wish to continue playing this game since everything important to me is lost, my stuff yo!
    #106 buddhacrane, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  7. EmoStreet

    EmoStreet Ancient
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    My name is Jamie
    i'm male
    i have a house in megaton
    I have over 10,000 caps, 150+ ice cold nuka cola
    I have the following bobble heads- strength, intell, barter, big guns, medcine,speech
    I wear the winterized power armour i have fawkes and charon to help me
    and i'm a level 18
  8. Zendarrun

    Zendarrun Ancient
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    Does anyone here know how to take screenshots and transer them from fallout on the 360 to computer?
  9. i came up with this name

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    if you dl and beat the op anchorage and go in to the armory thers a suit called chinese stealth armor and every time you crouch you will be completly invisble
  10. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Oh man that sucks, I do love your wonderfully well crafted way of telling it though.

    I wouldn't give up quite yet, glitches happen, and Bethesda is not new to any of them, I bet it was because of the patch, not because of the DLC, but that's my opinion.

    I apologize for your loss though, I have never been one to be the packrat, which is fortunate, because it appears bethesda curses those who store... :/

    I do have a full drawer full of weapons and armor, and unique items though, and I can't even imagine losing that.
  11. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    My friend had over 1,000,000 Lbs. of stored crap in his house, it disappeared.

    My friend plays an unarmed char and keeps literally EVERYTHING he finds at home. I once saw him shamble out of a building overencombered and then take an hour to walk home.
  12. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Yeah, I was prepared to grab everything from my house and walk all the way to to the memorial to finish the final mission, so I wouldn't lose all my stuff. Until I discovered that even my previous saves had lost everything!
  13. Atrain

    Atrain Ancient
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    okay, here's mine. I'm a good character who plays stealthy and picks off people one by one with his trusty AEK 107 KOBRA, all under the cover of my active camo enabled reflex power armor. If you haven't guessed all ready, I'm a mod player.
  14. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    My main xbox Character is called Beefie-gonzales and i have a house in megaton after disarming the bomb although i rarely use it. i have all the bobble heads and every upgrade for my house. My preffered weapon if the Tri-beam laser although for the heavy duty jobs i use my Tesla Cannon. I will wear any armour now as i have completeded the game and find it more fun to experiment than just use power armour although i preffer to use the T-35b power armour (at least i think thats what it is called). I am level 30 and have completed nearly every side quest aswell as all the story missions. I have over 15000 caps (took forever to save that many caps). Now that I have gotten it for my pc however I preffer to mod it rather than play through the missions,although my Character beefie-gonzales is still my favourite char since i had to work for everything he has rather than mod or cheat ^^. there you go thats my characters story
  15. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    New guy, Dustin.

    My first neutral character, and the one I was going to do for strictly business (FFFFFUUUUUUU, I'll explain later). So after deciding carrying a bunch of weapons, and extras for repair, all that stuff, that'd I just do one weapon for the entire game, and so far it's true, I've fired two other guns other than the one I use now. The gun I chose was my trusty hunting rifle! (The two were the fat man, and the 10 mm pistol at the beginning of the game). My melee weapon currently is the ripper, but I think I'm going to go back to my lead pipe. Right now I wear Rivet City armor, and Jonas' eyeglasses (RIP).

    So I first didn't want to worry about ghouls anymore, so I immediately did the Tenpenny Tower quest. Since I already had saved megaton, and keeping neutral I decided to just kill all the residents of Tenpenny Tower. Then as I go to do Strictly Business I realize you have to capture Susan Lancaster, whom I killed, well, not exactly, more like watched get killed (Didn't want to waste ammo or CND amirite?). So I have to do a new character to complete that quest...

    Anyway, I've done some of the main quest, I gotta do some **** in the Citadel now, probably find the GECK. Also, try just choosing one weapon to use and use it throughout the game, it may be difficult, but it is a lot of fun, and I always have 5 or 6 hunting rifles on me at a time, so I can repair it easily.
  16. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    My player is just "Michael" (hmmm think hard when you see "Mikelp" as my FH name)

    I spent most of the game not knowing what I was doing, I wandered into the key locations accidentally and picked up the story from there.
    I felt like I was poor until I realised that I had a ton of weapons- did not learn most basics until around level 10. I thought Hunting Rifles were pwnage, so I collected them. I was eventually rich when I sold hundreds of hunting rifles and plasma rifles. I have beaten the main story and all add ons.
    The entire game, I have been a saint because I feel that being evil is unnecessary and just makes everything more difficult. My player lives in Megaton with scientist theme and all house additions and I dont have any other house because I cannot find any others and I never found that damn dog...

    My armor of choice is the Outcast Power Armor and my weapons of choice are the Hunting Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Testla Cannon and Assault Rifle
  17. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    New guy, decided to do another me, so I made Randle rather than Randy

    I remain neutral with this guy, deciding what I want to do when I want to do it, I liked the megaton house better than the tenpenny tower one so I decided to save megaton, and then I shot Mr. Burke so he would not kill my dear friend Lucas Simms, whom I received my reward from, got into his house, grabbed the strength bobblehead and continued on.

    Now I am doing my run throughs off all the quests, some from the DLC, but most from the main game. I cannot wait to wear my ghoul mask and lead a troop of feral ghouls in the Presidential Metro to attack robots (Probably one of my favorite things I did when I played Broken Steel for the first time). Oh and my guy wears Lucky Shades, Power Armor, and Red's Bandana, ends up looking kinda cool, and he is also good with energy weapons, since I discovered the Destabilizer (Special Alien Rifle) does a whopping 162 damage when fully repaired, making it an unbelievably awesome gun, along with the fact that it is fully automatic soars the awesome level of this gun, making it a necessity for Mothership Zeta energy weapons characters.

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