Shanty Town (By: D00MZDAY & xX RAIN Xx) Click Here To Download Shanty Town Shanty Town is an original map created primarily for team play. The map was symmetrically designed in a way that is easy to navigate, and recognize the area you are in immediately. Shanty Town lends itself to some close quarter battles within and around the primary base areas, as well as some open & cross-map battles courtesy of the center walkway and corner platforms. Shanty Town is a mix of simplicity and calculated object and weapon placement features that provide endless possibilities and a glimpse of the impossible. Shanty Town is also more of a mid-sized map, ensuring fast paced and action packed games. Additionally, map designed weapon and power-up placement ensures endless battles and forays to hold key map positions in order to maintain overall map control. Pictures: This map is fully designed and completely set up in every way for the following game types: Oddball King of the Hill Assault (Neutral & Team) Team Slayer FFA 2-Flag CTF
In some areas it look a little bit empty but I guess that wouldn't matter if your running on a low budget. Good map though.