An Impoverished community testifies to the current resource shortage. 2-6 players After more than two weeks of slow, tedious construction, I give you Shanty Town, formerly codenamed Helix. I think I should also mention that this is my first completed attempt at an asymmetrical map, It seems to work very well with 1 flag and 1 bomb. Shanty Town was inspired by the level “Quarterback” from G.R.A.W. This map works well with SWAT, Slayer, KOTH and 1 sided gametypes. The map is themed as a Tar-paper shack, cardboard home community. As such some of the buildings are heavily damaged, and none of them are in perfect repair. The roof of Regen building is collapsed to form a ramp up to the top, and part of Defense base’s roof is sagging, allowing a jump to the top of the building. Two open double boxes are set up as ramps to the second floor of offense’s building, and a rocket launcher is housed next to mauler tunnel. Defense base boasts a warthog which serves more as a movable turret than a transport. Equipment and weapons on the map are geared to fast paced action and intense rounds of CTF. Weapons: 1 Sniper Rifle 2 Shotguns 1 Brute Shot 6 Battle Rifles 1 Assault Rifle 1 Rocket Launcher 2 SMGs 2 Plasma Rifles 1 Plasma Pistol 1 Carbine 1 Mauler 1 Magnum Equipment: 1 Regenerator 1 Bubble Shield 1 TripMine 1 Gravity Lift 1 Power Drain Grenades: Plasma x4 Frag x6 Yes, I Can Interlock. Shotty Shack Tripmine Shack Download Shanty Town
looks good. that fence wall on the roof you used as a ramp is a great idea. nice interlocking but you should change the title of your thread to your maps name only which is shanty town. other than that good job 8.5/10
Some parts are messy if you make anouther version be sure to use more interlocking its an ok map though.
it looks pretty cool. i like the staircases and bases and stuff, i also like the little room. it looks slightly sloppy in some parts but i think that's how it's supposed to be. and by slightly i mean hardly noticable good job!
Other than those double boxes, there isnt much other interlocking is there. Most of the walls/roofs looks sloppy. THe layout looks preetty good though
Technially, the map is supposed to be somewhat sloppy, I just can't bring myself to make it worse. Anyhoo, to compensate for my terrible chargrin from my own map, I have refurbished Warehouse (Which I currently consider my best map) by rebuilding some parts and re-aligning others. The updated, version is now available in my Fileshare.