Introduction Shameless Plugging

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shaughtzer, Sep 20, 2010.

  1. Shaughtzer

    Shaughtzer Forerunner

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    So, it turns out that I really like the new Forge. I tried to do a few things in Halo 3's Forge editor, but it never really clicked with me. It just wasn't precise enough for what I wanted to do. With Reach, however, I can make the maps I want to make without having to go through the middleman of glitches and tricks.There's also the matter of Custom Games and the implications that arise from Armor Abilities. It's all very exciting for someone like me who wants to use Halo as both a game unto itself and a platform for making new games.

    I'm sure you guys are cool and everything, but I would be lying if I didn't say that I wasn't here to plug my stuff and get some tips on how to improve it. No one likes distrust in a prolonged relationship, so let's just put it all out there right now.

    Hi, I'm Shaughtzer and I am here to Forge with you.
  2. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Whatever reason why you're here your still welcome either way Shaughtzer :p. The glitches in Halo 3 made it challenging for me personally, which may be why I loved forging in Halo 3, then in reach atm.
  3. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nothing wrong in putting your stuff out there for people to critique, comment, download, etc....I wouldn't call it shameless :p

    Anyway, welcome to Forge Hub!
  4. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nice to see were getting more members now that reach is out, I think everyone could have predicted it. Anywho, I'm hoping to see good stuff come of you new guys.

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