Forgers: | Hi Im Erupt | MochaSun | ________________________ The Story Shallow started when Mocha and I last played Burn, my previous 1v1 map, in a custom game. He decided he wanted to co-forge a 1v1 map with me, and I turn him down. What? I thought you said this is how the map got started? Well, he got tricky from there... After I told him I was already working on a map and said no, he says he wants to take me back down memory lane- back to Halo 3, and show me it's best maps forge maps. See, what I didn't realize is that he wanted me to get inspired to make a map, and it worked. Shallow had been conceived... The Layout The idea was for it to feel like a sewer, water flowing through the middle and into drains, making for lots of ledges, jump-ups and trick shots. And being a 1v1 or 2v2 map, it just has to have custom power-ups, right? Right along with the necessary jump-pads. The map itself is mostly done, it needs tweaked here and there, respawn points and zones, the gametype needs to be created, some testing, and then it will be posted, so keep and eye out! And if you want to look around the map yourself, you can download it here, though I suggest doing it in forge, like I said above, it has no respawns. _______________________________ Weapons & Equipment Weapon/Amount/Spawn Time/Spare Clips * For Drop Spawn DMR/2/30/2 Needle Rifle/2/45/2 Plasma Rifle/2/60/- * Grenade Launcher/1/90/4 * Sniper Rifle/1/120/1 Evade/1/100/- Health Pack/2/15/- Plasma Grenade/2/60/- Custom Power-Up/2/60&30/- (Note: Neither Custom Power-Ups are placed at start.) ________________________ Screenshots A view of the back hallway, also the blue spawn. A view of the secondary room, also the red spawn. A view of the main room. Sniper Rifle spawn, directly under the above picture. Thanks! Any comments are appreciated! Also, any ideas on what the custom power-ups should do?
I'm going to try to lend a hand with things. Make it where the KoTH zones and safe havens take up the proximity of parts of the water, so you earn points by taking a dive. It would be cool, original, and gameplay advancing, just make sure to give GunnerGrunt credit for the idea, as I saw it on one of his unfinished projects.
I've tried things like that with my previous, unposted 1v1's. I tried to make it so it was 1v1 CTF; you killed the other player, took their flag, and then had to kill them back at your base again, so you had to successfully kill them twice, while running the flag. It would've worked, and probably would've been fun, if not for the map's failure. It was the smallest map I've ever built, and it had nearly $6000 in budget left, maybe more, but in this particular spot, you'd get gamebreaking screen lag... Idk why. So maybe I'll do something like that sometime with a different map, but probably not this one.