
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Xaybiance, May 31, 2009.

  1. Xaybiance

    Xaybiance Ancient
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    **We got Action Shots Now! **

    I promise you won't be disappointed if you DL and play with friends! =D
    And if not, don't forget about our money back guarantee! ;P
    Download the Gametype!


    [This is my first map xP]

    You relax inside of the elevator as it smoothly rides to the top of the building with your team behind you, equipping and preparing themselves for whatever may lie ahead in their mission. The lights seeping in and out of the fencing of the elevator walls soon begin to flicker. You figure "Hey, the building is pretty old. Must be electricity..." right before the lights altogether come to a stop. You and your team blinks and ponders curiously as odd noises begin to start about. Again, you believe it's just the age of the building coming to cease it. Suddenly, the elevator sparks and stops! Your men hold their weapons close. Bing! The elevator has arrived at the final floor? You and the team watch as the elevator doors slowly creep open, revealing a empty, lighted room. A table resting a shotgun with low-ammunition and a single door are all that reside within this room. You look up. Five large holes sit in the ceiling, revealing little of the shafts above... Odd. You try for the single door, but it's bolted shut! How could this be? You look closer and you notice... a two-minute timer?! You back away quickly, trying for the closed elevator doors, but no luck. Louder, more disturbing noises rumble above. You and your team are locked in a timed death trap. Your radars are oddly malfunctioning, too. You and your team must fight for the biggest survival of their lives. It's time to fight...

    ... Wretches on Shafts!

    [EDIT:: The newer version of the map, which is up now, has a Custom Power up that gives Survivors their radars back once outside]​

    Welcome to Wretches on Shafts, a timed Infection game were you and your team of survivors (parties of 8 or more are very fun =D ) must last three minutes inside of a large, open room with five large holes in the ceiling from the infected Wretches that delve within the Shafts above. ​

    Gameplay is very simple. The humans are in the room below as there is a single zombie up on the roof. There are five holes on the roof in which the zombie is meant to dive down through and attack the humans.

    Humans have Allies-Only radars. This is meant to trick and to fool the humans, making the gameplay much more suspensful and fun. Humans start the game with an Assault Rifle and a Magnum, and zombies start off with an Energy Sword. Zombies have no sheilds (for balanced gameplay) but they also have 75% gravity, unlike the normal 100% humans, who have normal sheilds.​

    This game is very fun, and I have played it tons of times with other people. They usually get a blast out of it. But to tell the truth, this is a remake of a horribly made map (no offence intended XD ) of one of my friend's maps. His version was WRETCHS ON SHAFTS. His map had little interlocking, and everything was so terribly blocky. Humans could jump and sit on the walls for hours on end, and if they wanted to, they could commit suicide and then spawn up on the zombie base and spawn kill the zombies. Although every saw the agony, I could see the originality in this. I asked my friend if I could remake this, and to my luck, he gave me the go! Surprisingly, I did save the map, but I never edited it. I completely redid the entire map by scratch on a canvas. It took an entire week. But when I was finally done, it was well worth it. I even added a couple of special additions, like the single-spawn shotgun and the 2 minute timer. Speaking of the 3 minute timer, after the 2 minutes, there is a teleporter (or door, however you see it as) that leads outside for the survivors. ​


    There are extra weapons underneath the outside bridge, and there is a small zombie refuge just right around the other corner. BUT - Only the best of the best can endure the terror and make it outside. ​

    So, for those who are able to withstand the terror, please send a message on XBL to the GT: "Xaybiance" containing the Halo 3 gameplay video of you or your friend(s) surviving the Wretches and escaping to see the day. If I believe you have made it, I will happily add you to the CHAMPION'S LIST, which will be displayed at the very bottom of this thread.​


    Survivor Traits

    Damage resistance: 100
    Normal shields
    Sheild recharge: 100
    Damage: 100
    Primary weapon: Assault Rifle
    Secondry: Magnum
    Grenades: UNCHANGED
    Infinate ammo: NO
    Speed: 100
    Gravity: 100
    Vehicle use: FULL
    Motion tracker: ALLIES-ONLY, 10 METERS
    Appearance: NONE

    Zombie traits:

    Damage resistance: 100
    No shields
    Damage: 200
    Primary weapon: Energy Sword
    Secondry: NONE
    Grenades: NONE
    Infinate ammo: YES
    Speed: 100
    Gravity: 75
    Vehicle use: NONE
    Motion tracker: NORMAL, 25 METERS
    Appearance: RED

    This Map Contains The Following Weapons:
    (Indoors) -
    Shotgun x1
    Flamethrower x1 (Hidden Weapon)
    (Outdoors) -
    Shotgun x1
    Rocket Lancher x1
    Battle Rifle x5
    Assualt Rifle x2
    Spartan Laser x1
    Sniper Rifle x1
    Machine Gun Turret x1
    Gravity Hammer x1
    Mongoose x1
    Warthog x1
    Custom Powerup x1


    1. Dr Huntin
    2. Pensfreecandy44
    4. Electric2012
    5. Terd0Man
    6. RAGx09
    7. KSI Dirty MaG
    8. xDarkX6x



    Xaybiance - For Making the map and gametype
    Black Fraction - For making the original map and gametype
    The Reaper517 ( Reavion ) - For making the roof on the original map
    and all of Xaybiance's friends - for being awesome and helping with testing XD!


    The Terror Begins

    He Shoots...

    He Scores!

    Your Common Defense

    Night of the Living Dead

    "Gawd... I look so badass." - An Actual Game Quote XD

    Survival Is Rewarded With Escape

    You're In Their Playground Now...

    If Only It Were The Golden Warthog...

    Thanks for viewing! Trust me, just download this and play it with a couple of friends. You'll love it XD!
    #1 Xaybiance, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2009
  2. Killsbury3

    Killsbury3 Ancient
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    This is a very interesting concept. There are a lot of maps that have zombies coming from above, however I dont know of any that make the humans able to escape after 3 minutes. Good idea.

    However, I do have one question: is there really an elevator on the map, or is that only part of the story?

    5/5 for idea, 4/5 for forging.
  3. Xaybiance

    Xaybiance Ancient
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    Unfortunately, I tried making an elevator in the beginning to add a cinematic feel, but I ran out of money, so I ditched that idea XD. It's just in the story now.

    And thanks for the comment! =D
  4. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    you said that you took your friends idea for the map, but i have seen this at least 3 other times, so your friend is definately not the only one to have made this. I would say this is comparable to the other versions ive seen, but not better. Im also kinda wondering what all the stuff outside of the map is for, i dont really see the purpose.
  5. Xaybiance

    Xaybiance Ancient
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    I never said I took it from my friend, I said that I was allowed to remake what my friend had created, and so I did. And don't knock something 'till you try it ;)

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
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    Reminds me of MachM1217's map: Graveshift. It is a map where there are graves and holes covered by pallets. The zombies come up from the ground. After 90 secs, a teleporter spawns leading to more things.
  7. Xaybiance

    Xaybiance Ancient
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    Woohoo, action shots are up! These were all played on Plasmaterial's Custom Game Night 2, which was absolutely freaking hilariously amazing XD. And it's all going on YouTube, I think.. Anyways, it was so totally awesome XD, especially when we watched four n00bs try to find the Flamethrower at the same time XD.
  8. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
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    Appearance- 1.0-Macaroni Art
    game play- 1.6-Heave On Forge
    Originality- 0.4-Unique
    presentation- 0.3-Boring

    Over all= 3/5

    LoL At first I had no idea of what to do in the game I was pretty much lost but then after a couple minutes the game got interesting with the opening of the door but sadly to say that was still not enough to keep the teams fun going with just that. After a wail being stuck in that room for SSSSSSSOOOOOOOOO long made the game get pretty boring. I am pretty sure if you shortened the time and fixed a few weapons outside it would become more of a blast.
    Also i must say it was pretty fun in the beginning when the first infected came down it got crazy! :)

    MR JOEY BON Ancient
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    This is pretty good. Its been done before, but still good. I like how you can actually get outside the map in this one for survivng.

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