Shadow Spire

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Aftershock 10, Jan 26, 2009.

  1. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
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    This is my newest puzzle map, and is the sequel to Power of Tower. After positive feedback from my first map, i decided to expand on the idea of having a tower/building in which you complete all the puzzles, and created a bigger, better and harder map.

    Firstly much credit must go to JESUS for giving me the idea for puzzle 5, and showing endless support and help with testing. A big thankyou :).

    A Few Comments

    This is an EXTREMELY long puzzle map, and it still takes me over 15 minutes to complete it, after having run through many times for testing, and there are over 20 separate rooms, some with more than one puzzle. However, i tried to make it accessible for both players that have never played a puzzle map before, and those who know all the tricks in the book, and therefore i have had to think up new ideas that are not already in the book for all the puzzles:).

    • There are NO clips in any of the puzzles.
    • You can CLEARLY SEE everything you need to complete the puzzles.
    • There are NO teleporters to unblock.
    • Almost the entirety of the map is free from teleporters.
    • There is an entire section devoted to mongeese!
    These rules do not mean it is obvious what you have to do, or how you must do it, the difficulty of this map is using your brain to use the items at your disposal, not wandering around aimlessly finding a hidden item, or a random clip.


    There are 4 main levels of the puzzle, each of progressive difficulty, meaning new players can still enjoy it, but may get stuck later on in the map, whereas veteran Puzzle-goers can challenge themsleves to complete the entirety of it.
    1. The Intro
    2. Level 1
    3. Level 2 (a mongoose in almost every puzzle on this level)
    4. Level 3
    • Extra Challenges (finding the hidden regenerators)
    The puzzles are not linear, you will find yourself having to go back to places you've been before and having to think about things you have seen before that you could use to solve the puzzles. There is one extra challenge on each level of the puzzle, including the intro, and these are to find the regenerators on each level (without using the hammer, although it will only help you get one). These have been designed to challenge even experienced puzzle solvers, but remember they are hidden, so they don't follow the rules i stated earlier :).

    Here is an overview so you can get an idea of the scale of it...

    Links to download:
    Download Map: Shadow Spire v2
    Download Gametype: Spectres
    Walkthrough - Spire Guide

    Things to remember

    This is a SOLO puzzle map, meaning you must not use your friends to jump on or skip puzzles, if you want to complete it with a friend, be my guest, but just do the puzzles as if you were on your own. Also, not being host may impede your ability to complete it.

    It is a very long map, and you may need several tries before you manage to complete it all, so i am not expecting anybody to complete it soon (including the extra regenerator challenges).

    The gametype is REQUIRED.

    Pics and Clues


    Puzzle 1: Just a simple matter of jumping, but try jumping into the fire, it's not always so bad. (no pic)

    Puzzle 2: Try switching to your plasma rifle while you admire that view, don't stay for too long, all the fun is inside!

    Puzzle 3: I told you this part was easy, so is jumping up there, you may be lighter than you think.

    Puzzle 4: Fall down, you're only going to go up again, but not as high as you'd like, but remember, bullets can go higher than you can. [no pallet in v2]

    LEVEL 1

    Puzzle 5: Welcome to the Spire of Shadows! What you need next is so close yet so far, you'll need to think laterally to get your fix of pink mist. (no pic)

    Puzzle 6: That barrel is going to have to come down from there, just watch it bounce as it falls.

    Puzzle 7: If only that mongoose could jump! Sacrifice yourself for the rocket boost your friend needs.

    Puzzle 8: Your going to have to get over that wall, but aim higher and you might be blinded by the sun, or something else rather bright. (no pic)

    Puzzle 9: Once you've got up to where i am, you might want to have a picnic or something, wait for your friend to fly back up there again.

    LEVEL 2

    Puzzle 10: For the love of god don't fall down! I'm afraid you wont get a checkpoint untill the next room, save your failing till then!


    Puzzle 11: There are a few ways to get that extra reach, once you have, looking up is always a good thing. (no pic)

    Puzzle 12: You'll need that extra "Oumph" to get that mongoose to go up, try blowing it.


    Puzzle 12: Gravity is such a pain, try hiding behind something.

    Puzzle 13: Remember, always aim higher, no not there, higher still! (no pic).

    Puzzle 14: Your experience should be enough to get through this, remember, powerups really do power you up.

    Puzzle 15: Now you have the power to defy gravity! You can freely go anywhere you have been before now, but make sure you reach that third level for a checkpoint, then your going to go searching. (no pic)

    LEVEL 3

    Puzzle 16: To blow through that crack, you're going to have to go find something to do it with, a mysteriously useless and unreachable item from earlier will help. (no pic)

    Puzzle 17: Explosions are always fun, but your going to have to reincarnate yourself to get to where you can see, but make sure you don't come back as you have before!

    Puzzle 18: That's one mighty leap, and your little spartan legs are not strong enough to jump that far, you going to have to build a way accross.

    Puzzle 19: Trapped in a little box with no way out! I hope your not clostrophobic, if you are, you can always just walk through the walls.

    Puzzle 20: Always look left, even if you can't see where you going, trust your bubble shield to help you in times of need. (no pic)

    Puzzle 21: Walk through the teleporter and you're back where your started, well, nearly. Two lights to illuminate you, and a camo to hide you, confused yet? I know i am.

    Puzzle 22: You have escaped from the Shadow Spire! Now all you gotta do is climb up to the top and you've done it, and it's as easy as it sounds.


    If you manage to complete it, send me a vid.

    If you manage to find ALL FOUR regenerators, send me a vid, and i will take my hat off to you sir!

    If you think you have broken it, send me a vid and i will fix it.

    Walkthrough - Spire Guide
    #1 Aftershock 10, Jan 26, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2009
  2. Jesus

    Jesus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Let me first say that this is quite the puzzle! It was long, challenging, and I had yet to see many of the challenges within. I think that many people are unaware of the time and intelligence it takes to create an actual puzzle. Before you are able to spend time just to complete a puzzle, someone has to have the mental capacity to create it. Placing clips in impossible to reach spots is NOT hard, and driving yourself crazy trying to find them is NOT fun.

    I do have to say that you have outdone yourself, Aftershock. The challenges were long and weary, and although I consider myself somewhat experienced, it was hard.

    This was most definitally a huge step up from Tower of Power, and I am glad to see you getting better. I will have to rate this map a 9 out of 10, for now. I'm off to find those sneaky regens!

    And for anyone who complains because they are too impatient to actually solve the puzzles, this is not the map for you.
    #2 Jesus, Jan 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2009
  3. TripleO8

    TripleO8 Ancient
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    Yes i have to agree with you Jesus. lol :) that sounded funny. but anyways, yes this looks pretty difficult, and i was getting sick of all these petty little simple puzzle maps, with the whole thing being hidden mongooses, but finnaly i find another good one. This actually looks pretty difficult. I also like the idea of how there is hidden regens, and you have to find all four. Good job, I will DL as soon as i delete some space of my xbox tommorow. 5/5 from the looks of it, hopefully the game will be just as fun.

    PS: I agree with jesus again (lawl) this is an improvement from Tower of Power, Good job!
  4. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
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    Oh god yes i forgot about that Jesus, although i was writing up the thread after midnight, so i blame sleepiness lol.

    Good Luck finding the regenerators btw, the last one is the hardest thing in the whole puzzle imo, even if you can see where it is :).

    EDIT: Just realised there is a mistake in the runtimes of the map, meaning puzzle 2 does not work properly, due to me being a foolish fool and not checking it after deleting the budget glitch items lol. I have replaced the link with the fixed map, so anybody who has already downloaded, download again for the right version :).
    #4 Aftershock 10, Jan 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2009
  5. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    20 puzzles eh? That's quite the number! I bet the challenges of puzzle transition and space conservation was fun for you! Aaaaaaaaaaaaand new challenges you claim? well, hot damn, colour me purple, I'm intrigued!

    I played Power of Tower, er, I think. You only sent it to me not that long ago, right? It's the one with the pallet above you at the beginning yes?

    Neato touch with the hidden regens...

    I'll be sure to check this out and give you a review at some point in the near-ish future.

    QFT ;)

    EDIT: Ah, wait, I remember now. You sent me a VM asking me to check out your puzzle map! I went to your fileshare and Power of Tower was the only map on there, so I assumed it was that. That's how I found/Played it.
  6. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    Wow this is a great map, although I don't think I did somethings right, but still awesome.
    in the puzzle 17 was I supposed to get the tripmine and throw it at the fussion coil? because that is what I did.

    I also found out a way to break your map.(so you can fix it or whatever)
    in puzzle 11 you can throw a garnade through the crack where you get it and blow up the fussion coils which let you spawn in the last room

    But overall it is a great map, I never played your other one before, but this map makes me want to try it. Maybe I'll give that one a download too =).
  7. dontknowme42

    dontknowme42 Ancient
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    once your do the mongoose room where you can get teh tripmine on the other side of the fence
    you can cheat under teh b sign although its tough you can wiggle your mongoose under the sign and then your right by the territory and you dont need the grav lift thats on the edge of the map to get the territroy :p just jump off some walls you didnt merge
    and good map one of the hardest ones i played :p[/
  8. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
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    Thanks very much for all the feedback and reporting breaks guys, enabling me to fix it. In version 2 i have also added another checkpoint, meaning if you kill yourself when your not meant to, you dont go back to the beginning, because that happened to a friend of mine. I have also fixed the second puzzle, and changed one of the regenerator challenges slightly.

    P.S. I know of one person who has managed to find ONE regenerator, if anybody has found any more, let me know :)

    P.S.S Random Useless Fact: Version 2 has used up every single... Double Box, Open Double Box, Single Box, Open Single Box, Wall, Double Wall, Corner Wall, Bridge, Fence Box, Fence Wall, Stairs, Bridge, Door, Window Panel, Sign A, Sign B, Weapon Holder, Shield Door, and Large Shield Door. :D
  9. Verto1

    Verto1 Ancient
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    Very good, really challenging. I have also found one of the regens, tis somewhere in the first level. As you can see :p.


    edit:finally got all four, phew.
    #9 Verto1, Jan 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2009
  10. QS Kamiqazi

    QS Kamiqazi Ancient
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    Well after finally having enough time to fully play this map i beat it and i thought it was very well made it was challenging but not so challening that it took hours on end oh and also i found and got 3 regens
    Edit: i think i know where the last one is but im having trouble actually getting it
  11. dontknowme42

    dontknowme42 Ancient
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    on v1 did you edit the needler part cause i just used the assault rifle to get the barrel
  12. BboyLeon

    BboyLeon Ancient
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    I've been at puzzle 5 for nearly 30 minutes now and I can't figure it out. Can I get a big hint?

    EDIT: I figured it out and i got mad cuz it was so easy.

    Ok now I'm at the mongoose part, I figured out how to get the trip mine... but i cant get the mongoose to "jump" cuz i die

    EDIT: Ok i got it, it took a while to figure out which way things had to face...

    I am now at the part where there are like 3 swords in 1 room.

    EDIT: Ok I got the hammer... and i dont know wat to do next

    BTW: i had to go to forge to delete the mancannons at the beginning so i dont have to do it EVERY SINGLE time... i already did it once, so in my opinion that proves that i can do it.

    EDIT: Puzzle 15 with the hammer... i cant seem do find out what to do next... i'm stuck in the little room with the sword.
    #12 BboyLeon, Jan 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2009
  13. TreyMarlow

    TreyMarlow Ancient
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    Ya im stuck in the very room he is in and Could not find my way out
  14. Verto1

    Verto1 Ancient
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    lol, i can help you if you add me.

    love verto,
  15. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    For puzzle 15, once you've found the hammer, you have to try and get to the third level, as it says in the clue. If anybody else is stuck or needs help... Send me a message GT: Aftershock 10

    And for anybody who is interested, i am currently working on a new puzzle, which is going to be ALOT harder than this one. The idea of the new puzzle is that each series of puzzles leads you to unblocking a spawn point, and then finding away to commit suicide, therefore spawning in a new area. Hopefully it will be equally as long as this one. There is also ALOT more geomerging and interlocking in the new one, so it will look alot neater and cleaner.

    Big thanks for all the downloads and feedback tho :)
  16. PhantomHunta

    PhantomHunta Ancient
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    the 3rd challange on the intro i just cannot dammit beat! ive been on it for a few hours D; i figure you need to jump onto the little ledge, i could when the pallet was theere, i cant anymore in v2, ive tired and tried and i just cant get up via jump + croutch, its buggin the hell outa me! help needed D; thanx in advance, ive tried smacking the dumpster aswell, that does nothing :(
  17. thedazn

    thedazn Ancient
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    Help! lol

    I've done lots of puzzle maps before but for some reason im just stumped at the begining what do i do? can i get a hint?
  18. jd155

    jd155 Ancient
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    ok amazing puzzle
    im stuck on 15, well actually three as i made it from 15 into 3 but have no clue what to do next.?
  19. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
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    Why is it that everybody is stuck on number 15/16 - the one that you actually have to think the most for? The only hint i'm giving on here is think back to the puzzles you have already done for items you might be able to use. If you want any more hints, you'll have to add me :). GT: iTF Aftershock
  20. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Well I finally got round to playing this. I was even sent this personally by yourself before it was posted, the honour, wasted on the likes of me!

    I'm glad I did play it though. You get super kudos for actually stumping me on a puzzle and doing something I'd never seen before. Its simplicity was genius and it’s stuff like that that keeps people on their toes, myself included. I finally resorted to looking at the textual clues for that one, which was the only one I had to look at the hints for though ;)

    I only found 1 hidden regen but I admit I wasn't looking that hard. Most of the time I get bored of the puzzles because they're too easy and I start looking for ways to escape, and I'm sure such antics would've led me to discover finding more regens. But as it was I was enjoying the puzzles enough to just concentrate on completing those instead. Perhaps I'll have to partake in another playthrough to satisfy the "completionist" within me.

    I enjoyed the mixture of puzzles. With a map of this length you need that and you managed to use a fair variety of concepts. After all, there's no point making a long map just for the sake of it, you need an interesting mix of puzzles to keep the player going and a reason to make it that long. You made it reasonable, the length didn't feel unnecessary.

    I think I may have used a few "alternative" methods here and there, but I don't think I actually ever skipped anything. I went along with a friend and we came up with different solutions to the same problems at times. Don't worry we didn't cheat! I would never dream of it!

    The checkpoint system was, interesting. I can see how it solves the problems of using a bunch of teleporters, it also creates problems of its own though. It was a little frustrating how, as I unblocked further checkpoints, that it would take quite a few "reincarnations" before I actually got to somewhere new. It was also far less obvious that I'd actually activated a checkpoint, or that I had to move an object to do so. The good thing about teleporters is that they're a clear sign of a checkpoint, you can't see spawn points so it can be difficult to interpret. I suppose the textual hints would've helped a bit, had I looked.

    I think there is potential in the spawn point idea, but perhaps it would be worthwhile trying to tweak the concept. Have it so that previous spawn points become blocked somehow on the completion of a puzzle so that you're forced to spawn on the new ones. Tricky, I know, but it would greatly improve playability. I don't know if you used respawn area priorities either but those should help too.

    So, yeah, I really liked it and look forward to the next one. Just be careful not to fall into traps of thinking "I must make the next one harder and longer". Sometimes it's better to step back and concentrate on the intricacies of each individual puzzle, making each one interesting and unique and creating a nice overall flow to the map. Quality should always preside over quantity. Only make a puzzle map big if you have an absolute wealth of new ideas to draw from, otherwise don't drag it out any longer than you absolutely have to. Never use the same/similar idea twice in one map, or even between puzzle maps if you can avoid it. There should never be "filler" in a puzzle map.

    So well done on this map, and good luck on the next one!

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