Looks like a ****ing sick game. New twist on the old sidescroller. Shadow Complex Video Game, First Seven Minutes Walkthrough HD | Game Trailers & Videos | GameTrailers.com
Meh. It's getting alot of attention and looks of high quality, but I just don't have any interest in playing it. Probably just not my type of game.
Looks good is it an arcade or a full game ? Id buy it either way. Also is there a co-op mode possibly?
It comes out on my birthday. But on a serios note,i had seen it before once,but in this one it looks like it turned out much better than the average title.
I was excited for this since I saw it at E3. I still enjoy some sidescrollers, and this is really pushing things to a new level. Notice how he fought the helicopter in the background, and soldiers on a different plane. To me, that is an ingenious game play mechanic which will make this quite fun. Also, the fact that there is so much to explore within levels in hopes of breaking up the linear experience is something I also look forward too. One wouldn't think true exploration could be done in a side scroller, but to me this game begs to differ. If only I had the MS points.
Cant stop playing this game. Its amazing i would suggest everyone to atleast get the demo which im told is very long.
I played the demo, the background shotting is nothing special. But the exploration is simply amazing, you never feel like you're just running and gunning through a tight linear base. You stumble around hoping to come across your objective. It's excellent.
How to play the game for free: 1. Beat the robot spider. 2. Immediately after the cutscene of the spider dieing, pause. 3. Select load last save. You'll have to do it all in one sitting and there's no achievements, but w/e.