this is a very well made map, but it is quite small. This is really only good for 1v1, but I love it.
I like this map quite a bit, 1v1 or otherwise. It's easy to figure out and I personally love the 'sniper tower' area on the top. It's probably the best area to defend IMHO
I like this comment, because you are not 100% sure and it suggests that you personally find that area the best but others might not. Which I think is good...
man i love this map it looks so great cant wait to get another xboxlive and download it i'll make sure i do that now, oustanding doesnt even explain how good this map looks and how it might even play. 5/5
Decoration as the road is being worked on, but it also is used as a jump to the second floor of the house and as an explosive object to damage your opponent in rare situations.
I've put in alot of hours on this map after having downloaded it when I first found forgehub. I came in search of 1v1 maps and Sewers did not disappoint, the 3 different leveled areas interact really well and the visuals are great, the downstairs area in particular blew me away visually, not over done but perfectly formed. Me and my friend have enjoyed this map consistently since I got it and its one of those precious few that really fills a gap in the stock multiplayer maps. Halo 3 is completely lacking in maps of this size and all the 1v1 tournament maps do this so well, this map, unchained, pi and aqueduct are all very special maps that are truly inspirational for a noob forger like me, they are their own levels that have their own feel, very different from foundry. I love this maps tall enclosed feel, you really feel like you're submerged below a city when fighting in the depths of the sewer. Cannot give enough praise and thanks for hours of 1v1 fun, a map that must be DLd.
Thank you so very much for that comment, not only because you are complimenting a map attributed to me but also because it is a well thought out post with justification and reasoning.
Shock it was attributed to me as well you selfish littel' sock monkey you... Well I don't presume to speak for you in thanking him, and leave sock material out of this you vagabond... Jk, yea thanks for the comment, means bunches to Shock and I.
Yeah!! i just grabbed V2, i am a hudge fan ov small team based maps, so i was sure to download this. great job man!!