Sewer Rats

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Grim Mortis, Aug 23, 2011.

  1. Grim Mortis

    Grim Mortis Forerunner

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    My first infection map I hope you all enjoy it.
    I made the map to be as balanced as possible, its a small open area with a couple of explosive hazards.

    It can be played on regular infection settings but for the game to balance out correctly I recommend the custom game type in the link.

    The map has been designed for 8 players but has been balanced so you can have a 1 on 1 zombie vs spartan.

    Things to know:
    zombies mainly appear from the high ground but be aware they can appear on the bridges.
    Regular players will only ever spawn from one location and have to defend them selves as best as possible with VERY limited ammo.
    The zombies have a weak cammo and due to the map layout for the zombies they will appear to be everywhere on the map so be aware of your surroundings.
    #1 Grim Mortis, Aug 23, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2011
  2. SnowPsycho

    SnowPsycho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Might want some more pictures...of anything. heck, even a picture of a t-rex would be amusing..
  3. a7x

    a7x Forerunner

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    This looks interesting, but one picture doesn't really help anything.

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