Sewage Lines

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Camoflaug, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    lol dude you totally didnt really play the map so you probly shouldnt say that its ok gameplay if you havent tried it its cool its your opinion but try it out for 1V1 right now and see how you like it. the weapons are actually well balanced just try it out. =P camo is never gonna give you up!

    ZAXLAX Ancient
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    this is the first map I have played or seen in along time that consisted of two different levels besides the maps already on the game. I had never seen anything like the drop down to the bottom level with the four squares. Congrats, I have to give u a perfect 5/5.
  3. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    The map is well done, well rounded, and is great to look at. The objects are placed beautifully, and the interlocking is very neat. And the objects you just put up for looks were thought out nicely, and helped make the map better looking. Weapon layout is nice, and same with the equipment.

  4. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Lol, I remember when Matty showed a pic of that in the Shoutbox way back. I was actually disappointed that it wasn't part of game play and wasn't even in a spot where you would look while running around.

    This is a very well thought out and solidly built map. It has some very good sight lines in it and absolutly fantastic aesthetics (the criss crossed bridges couple with the fence walls, the fence section of the stairs poking out of overpasses & walls.

    I do agree with what Ivory Snake said regarding the walkways on the back side of the map.
    That is a fairly hard jump to make. I have to think about it even when just running around by myself. I wouldn't even attempt it in combat. I don't think you need to make a ramp there though, just lower the walls you have down to about half the hight of the boxes. That way you don't absolutly have to crouch jump to get up and you could make it backwards, sideways or whatever.

    Other than that this is an outstanding map. Great job!!
    #24 Waylander, Sep 10, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2008
  5. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    well i actually do need to make maps cause i noticed in games somtimes when your to occupied by getting up the jumps people kill you from behind. also it is impossible to make the back ways no resources at all.
  6. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Drools* Dude, this map is awesome! I love the bridge interlocking, reminds me of that map with the tunnel and the ghost and all that beauty. the Band A sign interlocking is also epic, it looks like the B is in italics. A very good map that fits it's map name perfectly. 5/5, awesome job
  7. Stealthyhawk14

    Stealthyhawk14 Ancient
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    this map is crazy.
    great aesthetics.

    altho ive seen the criss cross roof done in reflex.
    but this map is amazing. 5/5
    ill dl it
  8. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    Firstly Holy Crap. Awesomeness glows radiantly from your map. The bridge thing is really cool that you used it actually in the map. I think that you should not put those back ramps (even tho u cant) because it makes going in the pitt to get sniper even more life risking. The sniper shotty thing really does work out well and is seen in a lot of maps like Guardian (altho it is kinda weird to have shotty on top) All in all this is a terrific map and do u mind if i use that a and b sign thing in one of my maps it looks really cool.
  9. breszhnev

    breszhnev Ancient
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    my dad and his dad work at the sewage treatment plant. and interlcking and all looks phantasticle and gameplay looks competive. ecsellent. ttly wcked awsm.
  10. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    sure if you kno how to do it and have some high tolerance to do it
  11. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Could go either way, which ever of the jumps you leave in (IF any) probably do need to be lowered a bit though.
  12. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    wow, the aesthetics of this map rock, ive always been looking for a map with interesting structures, jumps, play, and this looks and feels so inovative. the only thing that bugs me is the top level walls, and how they arent perfectly straight, but from what ive seen so far, thats the only thing i can complain about. this looks alot better than your last version, so ill download and get you a full review once i get a chance to play on it. nice geomerging btw, and i love the bridges.
  13. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    Good post iv0ry. A lot of people were suggesting to camo that he added ramps or stairs to his map. The main problem is. He only has 1 set of stairs, unless he removes them from his boundaries. The only thing he has left to use for the ramps are fence boxes. I was trying to get them geo merged into ramps perfectly on his sides for hours and it never worked. Mainly because he only has about 5 receivers and 3 power-ups for holding it in place. I only saw one stair but I might be wrong. (Could have been hidden). If you do have an extra stair Riley you might as well just use those for ramps, it'll help your game play amazingly. Also I suggest lowering your jump ups so you don't have to crouch jump. Remember some people use toggle crouch / no crouch jumping. Otherwise your game play is amazing, and the aesthetics are completely original. 4.5/5
  14. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    *cough* replace stairs be used as boundaries with fence boxes then use stairs as ramps *cough*
  15. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    I merged the fence boxes into the ground. Its nearly done. I need to do spawn work then it will be posted .
  16. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    Well I must say beautiful map and good layout, but this all seems familiar for some reason it's like you took maps I have played and mixed them together. Ignoring this though... I'll just say good map, and it's fun to play.

  17. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    OR do that...

    If you need help with spawns, just ask, I'm always happy to help out a friend...
    Mysterious D likes this.
  18. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Do you fight for your friends?

    ^ Oh my goodness Ivory, you just brought back a great memory from my old GFaq days, positive rep is in order.

    On topic, though - when would you say the seconds version is coming out? I downloaded the first one and liked what I saw, but I'd really like to see what you have done to improve it. Seriously, hurry up dude! : )
  19. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    ty for offereing ivory cause i didnt want to bother you or anyone else cause i know there all busy with 2v2 or other stuff but yes id be so happy if you could help me

    also anyone that wants to test its happening just add Camoflaug
  20. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    ty for offereing ivory cause i didnt want to bother you or anyone else cause i know there all busy with 2v2 or other stuff but yes id be so happy if you could help me

    also anyone that wants to test its happening just add Camoflaug as a friend and ill include you.

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