Well, my ethernet cable is severed. You know, the cord that brings internet to your xbox. I need someone to tell me how to fix it. No, duct tape can't fix everything, so don't suggest duct tape. I would buy a new one, but I would be spending money I don't have. I did google "how to fix cut ethernet cable" and other variations, but all that came up is how to replace that plug/cap/whatever. So how do I fix a cut ethernet cable? I need it the same length, so no, I can't just take one end and put a new plug on it.
You would have to use one of the pieces, (it's cut in half, yes?) and add a new head to one side. that would be the only way that I know. Electrical wires are different.
Where is it cut? If it's the middle, it's fairly simple: connect the wires. There's quite a few in there and if you mash them into each other there's actually a good chance you'll get it right...holding it in place is much harder. IMO i'd just buy a new one. You can get them real cheap if you know where to look.
They're really cheap most places. If you want to use that one, and securely, you'd have to re-solder the appropriate connections, and heat-shrink sleeve some plastic over the wires.
Buy a new one. Even if you do manage to get it working somehow (its not going to happen), you will get likely a much crappier connection.
if you cant spare £2-3 then why are you on live? As for fix try knotting every little thread to corresponding one. Try look on instructables.com it may help
I don't have any cash after buying L4D2 and fud. I'll try knotting and taping and see how that works. Thanks for the help, everyone.
would you care to elaborate on what a rj45 is? op- if your not poor, just buy a new one... i dont see the issue.
No Walmart here in this shithole place. I need at least 20ft. I'm trying to fix it on my own with your guys' advice, but if all else fails I guess I can dish out the cash to buy a new one.