How did I get a Killionare with no 9 kill medal? I'm guessing it was lag, I just thought it was funny, regardless.
I got that too. Alot! You have to revieve the medal. Hear it Say the Medal then you get it. It sucks I know!
Instead of giving you a double kill, a triple kill, an overkill, a killtacular, etc... They just give you the last one.
No joke, I had a Killionare before I got a Kilamanjara and a Killtastrophe. Also Lolwut?! Spartan Lazer much?
If you've never noticed, it doesn't give you say, the double and triple kill medals if you get an overkill. It's just how it works in ODST.
Yup. Also, the time between kills is much shorter in ODST than Halo 3 mutliplayer (about 1/4 of the time between each kill). Its a good idea because multikills are a lot easier to get in campaign than in multiplayer because you've got more targets and a lot of them have weak/no shields (grunts and jackals) So it is possible to get lots of multi kills but not 1 double kill.
Then its just a coincadence that I have an increasing number of killsetreaks... (11 6-kills, 3 7-kills, 2 8-kills, 1 10-kill)