This is a re-edited version of my previous map "Sermon." It has the same layout, just a few renevations and details have been made. It runs much smoother as far as I know, and I have managed to get a few more details into it. It is based off of the Temple from the level in Halo 2: Regret, but made for multiplayer use. It is a medium sized map and is asymmetric. Hope you enjoy it! Screenshots: Weapons: Assault Rifle: 2X DMR: 4X Rocket Launcher: 1X Shotgun: 1X Frag Grenade: 6X Energy Sword: 1X Needle Rifle: 2X Needler: 2X Plasma Pistol: 2X Plasma Repeator: 2X Plasma Grenade: 6X
wow. this looks pretty damn impressive. nice asthetics, and easily recognisable to anyone who played halo 2. ill dl and try for myself