Map: Serenus Canvas: Ridgeline Gametype: Invasion Players 12-16 DL for current Version:Serenus There are both advantages and disadvantages to forging on Ridgeline, particularly for Invasion. I was determined to make a competitive invasion map on Ridgeline. Here it is, as competitive as you'll get with the restrictive canvas. Uses the default invasion gametype. Serenity meets its end. UNSC forces have set-up a make shift holdout on the cliff-side 'Ridgeline'. Elite reconnaissance has discovered the base and are assaulting it in order to crush the human resistance on the ring. 1st Tier: Elites capture the ammunition caches for the Spartans AA gun, allowing reinforcements to be deployed and being able to push towards the Spartan base. Elites Weapons 2x Needle Rifles Spartans Weapons 1x DMR 2nd/3rd Tier: Capture the core security systems in front of the base. Then shut down their defence systems by securing the core. Elites Weapons 2x Focus Rifles (Tier 2) 1x Plasma Launcher (Tier 3) Vehicles Revenant (Tier 2) Banshee (Tier 3) Spartans Weapons 1x Sniper (Tier 2) 1x Rockets (Tier 3) Vehicles Warthog (Tier 2) Falcon (Tier 3) Enjoy!!
Glad to see people trying stuff on ridgeline. My favorite map. And this looks like it would work just fine. that being said, I'm not gunna comment on the map itself because I haven't seen it, it's not ready(preview) and I'm not an invasion. In fact I've never forged invasion . Looks hard. So props to that also.