Hey guys! This one here is a small, vertically symmetric map built on the lagoon in Forge World. It has a nice open air feel, and I do believe it is my most aesthetically pleasing map yet. Watch where you jump though, because Spartans can't swim. With that said, here are specs and pics, and have fun ripping each other open! Weapons: DMR x4 Sword x1 Hammer x1 Grenade Launcher x1 Concussion Rifle x1 Needler x2 Magnum x2 Assault Rifle x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Frags and plasmas Pics: View from above: View from backside: View from front and afar: View of center area: View from blue base looking across:
First off, I highly recommend putting railings. The area of walkable platforms doesn't look very big either which can be annoying (not much room to walk around) Maybe add another floor with bigger space? More cover would be a good idea too, but I dunno, I've never played on this map. You have really nice aesthetics though. Over all.... 7.5/10