This is a all indoors slayer map with three levels. Spawn on the middle level and race for the sword, sneak around to your teams sniper, or go downstairs for the Rockets. Main floor includes hallways all leading either to the original spawn or the middle of the map, which is where the sword is. Bottom floor is small but includes the Rockets and lift to the top floor, fyi, shoot on your way up. Top floor has a concussion rifle and is simple as well. Map is asemetrical (sorry if spelt wrong, i hate grammer) with neither team having any advantage. Weapoon List: DMR x4 Needle Rifle x2 Plasma Grenade x6 Frag x4 Sword- 120 Sniper x2- 90 (no spare clips) Concussion Rifle- 120 Needler Plasma Repeater Taken outside of Blue spawn looking through the middle at red spawn Initial spawn area Hallway leading to sniper spawn, middle of map is directly to the right Top level Bottom level Ramps from middle level to top/bottom Just some pics to show relationship of middle and top middle Remember, shoot on the way up This is just a funny little add on. i was at work and thought of this map. so instead of remembering it all, i half way sketched it. This is the "Official Blueprint", haha.
A weapon list with spawn timers and amount of clips would be nice. But having a Rocket Launcher a Sniper Rifle, and a Concussion, plus a Energy Sword is just a bad idea. not to mention just the Sniper, Concussion, and Energy Sword, is far more than enough. It also looks like more cover is necessary at the Energy Sword spawn.
You have an interesting layout here. I agree with Mr. Walrus that there are too many power weapons. I don't think rockets or sniper belong on a map as close-quarters as this. In my personal opinion, I would use the Energy Sword and Concussion Rifle as your power weapons (move the Concussion Rifle to where Rockets currently are). The two balance out nicely, as the Energy Sword works well in the close quarters, and the Concussion Rifle can push an oncoming Sword rusher away. That being said, you seem to have a decent grasp of map design. I like where you placed your weapons. I do not think the Energy Sword spawn needs more cover. It presents a good Risk vs. Reward scenario. Same with your placement of Rockets, the lower ground it spawns on balances out the otherwise powerful weapon. Again, I think it is too powerful for this particular map. What I do think your map could use is more variety of weapons. A lot of the hallways look pretty empty. If it were my map, I would spice it up with some strategically-placed Covenant weapons, such as a Needler (which I think would work nicely with this map) and a Plasma Rifle. This is a nicely made map that with some tuning of the weapons can be a good competitive arena. Good work, and good luck on your future projects.
all comments have been answered. I wasnt really thinking about the gameplay when i was putting weapons. took titans idea and put the concussion rifle downstairs and a needler up where it was. kept the snipers but they only have four shots. added some cover in the hallways so they are so bare as well. thanks for the help and i want more critics please [br][/br]Edited by merge: also if you have already downloaded then please re-download with the new changes
I like your style, man. I especially like that top level and the sword area. If it were me though, I would put rockets on the bottom and sword on top, since rockets are harder to use if you're aiming up, so it would at least make someone do a little extra work to get the rockets and then get up top.