Serenity v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by forgemaster101, Apr 18, 2008.

  1. forgemaster101

    forgemaster101 Ancient

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    ¯(Last Hope Of Trinity)¯

    This is map that is all very beautifully interlocked. The map is enclosed and you cannot escape from it. Should be played with slayer or team slayer. 2-5 players​

    Serinity is a small quarters map.
    There are different sections of the map.
    Theres 4 bases, 2 Red Bases and 2 Blue Bases​

    1 Base is underground and is very small. You must walk down a bridge to get there and once your at the end of the bridge you greet around the corner a small little bunker type thing.​

    The other base is just seperated with the other teams base by bunkers. The base (which you must again go doqn a bridge) is underground to. There are quite some many suprises that await you.
    In the middle of the bases I just talkind about is a small hallway, At the end of the hallway is the shotgun.​

    The map is pretty much surrounded by one big huge catwalk. The catwalk is circular and is covered on the inside with fence walls, so you can shoot through. The catwalk goes all the way around the map and at the endish middle is the only time you can get back into the map.​

    In the begining of the level there are 2 tunnels that will lead you to either side of the catwalk.​

    If you go straight then you will meet 3 different paths(in the middle is sort of a statue like thing)​

    Go left and you will be in the Blue Base
    Go Right and you will be in the Red base.
    Go straight and you will go down hells highway.​

    Hells Highway is just a hallway that contains the flamethrower and is above both underground bases.​







    Please note that I did not steal this map, I am just using this new account but this is a different version of my origional Serenity
    #1 forgemaster101, Apr 18, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2008
  2. Aclopolipse

    Aclopolipse Ancient

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    oh yeah! I knew I've seen this before. This is a great map. What's changed since V1?

  3. forgemaster101

    forgemaster101 Ancient

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    Well not much but I changed the following:

    -Spawn points were changed so that they weren't part outside the map
    -I made the walls and barriers more connected so that you can't jump through little slits and get to another section your not supposed to
    -And Finnally I changed the weapon spawns so that there more intact with the map
  4. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i cant tell what has changed from the pictures
    could you make a small section saying the changes?

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