I love the map, but if you don't like the gametype that goes with it the custom powerups seem almost useless. Could you add non-stackable overshields to the map for a seperate gametype (and no time limit please.) Think about it if you want, I just love this map but not the stackable overshields.
The jump pad is seriously amazing! props if you came up with it! im going to use it in the map im working on now, and i dont think im stealing. Correct me if im wrong, but its innovation! I just wanted to come and congratulate you on your map, and give credit where credit is due!
I like it, it plays awesome, but you should really think about the style and beauty of the objects, it just looks kinda..........stale, try adding colors to it. Other than that, it's awesome. Keep n forgin' :3
... I can almost garuntee you that this map does not support infection. It is a very competitive 1v1 or 2v2 slayer map, though it might support Ball of KotH.
Even if it did, me and Matty beat you and Cade just by camping top Custom near the rock wall, imagine how bad it would have been if you'd been zombies
Had Cade not constantly charged you, I could've taken you 2 on 1. I went +7 that game despite our loss. Of course, that's only if you kept camping top.
Bull, I have only played 1 game with matty and it was an epic custom night with a party of no less than 16.
And I went +10 cause Matty did the same, though to be fair that was due to never having seen the map before. The game ended up really close, like 50-44 iirc, but I'll take the w anyday . It was the game after me and Matty handed it to you and Matt during our first time ever even seeing Premise. I can see why your brain would shield your conscious mind from the memory though, it was pretty rough...
That wasn't Matty, wasn't that your bud? I remember that the two of you were playing at his home, and when I started that premise game off with two epic no-scopes you blamed it on a lack of host (which is complete bullox, you ate lead link the cookie monster the rest of the game!)
None of that happened lol. Premise game, Sequence game. Yes that is Matty, no we weren't at the same house, and you didn't no scope at the start AFAIK, though I did land a coupla dirty on one of you two that game. I still have the films. Maybe you're thinking of when me and my friend Jack played (I think) you and BT on Analogue when it was still gonna be a 2v2 map.
I remember the Sequence one, thats when I got stabbed in the hand by the crazy woman. For the life of me I cannot remember the Premise game though!
That's possible. Especially since I kept yelling "Cade stop rushing them!" and you were like, " herp derp rush."
Much as I love reminiscing about how awesome I am and how positive I went, we should probably call this a day guys.
D: This is totally helpful to the map creator and not unnecessary in any way! Yeah, I guess so. We'll try it again sometime, and Cade & I shall win!
He has a Pistola fanboy gamertag. He can't lose. The water in Sequence has probably taken the lives of more BKs than Pegasi has, anyways.
If only sequence had water, though I assume you're talking about the death pits. Yeah, some people fall in a lot, though I've gotten good about avoiding those death pits.