Separation A relic of the Human-Covenant war, this factory still remains in it's historical condition; battle scarred and full of ghosts of the fallen. Separation is a competitive, symmetrical map set for team slayer and Capture the flag. It has open areas for intense big team fights and tiny corridors for quick one-on-one duels. The map is based upon the idea that fighting is most intense around choke points and areas of interest (think, Flag B in CoD4 domination, the golden grav lift on construct) I attempted to create a map that had several of these, extending those frantic battles from one area of the map to its entirety. I began making this map the day the Heroic map pack became free, and have been working on it on and off since. It has been post-ready for about two months, but because I am a perfectionist I have continued to test, fix, re-test and re-fix many aspect of this map. Here's an overview to break through the wall of text. Around September of 2008 (?) I believed this map was ready to post on ForgeHub. However, after recruiting some testers from the Lower the Guns group on Bungie (LTG FTW!!) and some other Bungie groups I belong to along with a few of my friends, I discovered that the map was in fact very flawed. With a heavy heart, I asked my testers what they believed to be wrong with the map. Overwhelmingly, it was the entrances to the map and spawn placements, shown in the two following pictures. The spawning was much too predictable, and if one team trapped their opponents in their spawn area, they could easily bleed a win from trash kills. So, with tears brimming somewhere in my black, cold soul, I literally tore my map to pieces. The middle wall wall pulled apart box by box, the walkways torn to bits. Spawning was completely deleted and re-done. Not a single item was untouched in my quest to make this map awesome. Once I finished rebuilding, I went about placing weapons and equipment. With the help of my friend TBLightning, I completed the map for the official "Re-Re-Re-Re-Test" party. Now I'll be detailing the pictures so you understand what I meant when I took them. ^^^The man cannons really add an extra dimension to the entire game. You'd be surprised at the amount of kills that come from throwing a plasma into the cannon at just the right time... ^^^ Or rolling a spool of wire in just the right way... The three most powerful weapons on the map line up to create quite a few interesting showdowns. On the entire map, weapon placement is varied, from the extreme close to the long range. The man cannons are separated by the fence walls. When this wall was added the game dynamic changed so drastically. It was like damming a river and opening flood gates at another. Another overview for you. Remember, you can go four ways to the enemy side; through, across, around or up. But there's only one way back to your side... I think you know what I mean. ^^^^ Just cause I can. Thank you so much to you who actually read that! I've spent so long on this! I'm so excited to release it on the world. Please, any feed back is wonderful. I will be doing a v2 so anything you can throw in here will be greast. Thank you! Fiat Lux Mortem! If you missed it... Separation Download
i think thats ok. they layout is good but you really have to learn how to merg, interlock and geo-merg all your object then your map will look much more cleaner and the gameplay will be better.. you can learn how to merg, interlock ect. at forging 101 here in this forum just check it out
Well, you can't see it in the pictures, but the map items are merged where it was needed and aesthetically pleasing. I do enjoy a well-merged map, but I believe a map is much more than its neatness. If you look at the map overall, it is very neat, organized and will play great. The turret areas, wall and stairs are merged. However, you are correct in my needing to merge more. In v2 I will merge most of the map to give it a 100% clean and neat feel.
It's not very Aesthetically pleasing, but it does look like it could be fun for a quick game of CTF. I might give it a whirl. Is the back hallway blocked off? Everybody else who posted was a Junior member saying, Learn to merge.... seriously? **** off you guys, this map has a good layout, and probabolly is going to be fun.
yes, thank you, the layout is good and really the merging would not add or subtract from the map whatsoever. However, in v2,(once again) I will be merging the map to make it look cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing